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  1. M

    Need a little direction

    We are opening our in ground pool this week. Last year I found this board when converting from baquacil to the BBB method so I remember bringing the chlorine up to about 15 when shocking. Do I still need to do that when opening the pool? When I tested the stabilizer, there was none so I am...
  2. M

    Starting Conversion today 6-11-11

    So I am planning to start my conversion today. I have spent a lot of time reading other conversion stories and I'm ready to get started. My test kit will be delivered today, so I am heading to the store to stock up on bleach. I have a 17x33 in-ground pool about 18K gallons using a DE filter. I...
  3. M

    Help! Want to convert soon!

    So, for some reason I thought it would be a great idea to switch from chlorine to a biguinide system this year. Wish I would have found this forum before that decision was made. I have been living at the pool store trying to get my chemicals balanced, already spent more on chemicals in a few...