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  1. HarryMichael

    Dolphin Active 20..Not working

    My 7-8 year old Dolphin Active 20 has stopped working. Started acting up a few years ago. After turning it on it would stop after 30 minutes or so. Front blue light would still be on. Messed with swivel..unplugged/plugged it back in and would do full cycle. It worked pretty much all the time...
  2. HarryMichael

    Dolphin cord price

    Maytronics Dolphin Active 20…where can I get a new cord for a good price?
  3. HarryMichael

    Price of chlorine tabs

    I mostly use 13% chlorine to keep my pool clear but sometimes I like to use tabs for a variety of reasons, such as, when we go out of town or because of all the rain we get here. Question is what’s up with the price? Just a few years ago a 35# pale of tabs cost $85-90, but now it’s $200!!? Whats Up?
  4. HarryMichael

    Clorox pool chemicals

    I’m needing to boost my CYA and was wondering about the quality of Clorox pool chemicals. Lowes has a pretty good price on the stabilizer it’s like half of what the pool store is asking.
  5. HarryMichael

    Pool calculator

    I haven’t used the pool calculator for a while, is there not a free calculator any longer or do you have to purchase the calculator? I don’t mean to sound cheap. On December 7, 2004
  6. HarryMichael

    This circuit breaker or change to GFCI…

    Doing some maintenance and noticed the breaker is not GFCI. Should I change this? It’s two 110’s, right? Hope this question is in the right place. Thanks ///Sorry..this is in wrong place..////
  7. HarryMichael

    Cleaning the swivel “Maytronics Dolphin Active 20“

    The swivel on my Maytronics Dolphin seems pretty stiff and not sure it’s doing it’s job. My cord is a mess…twisted up and even ties itself in knots. Have it on deck in sun right know. Should I be taking the swivel apart to clean and lube…if so, how does it come apart? Help and thanks!😎
  8. HarryMichael

    Pool Marvel

    My neighbor is raving about this Pool Marvel product. He started using it this year and claims it really makes pool look and feel better. I used ProTeam clarifier for a few years until I found TFP website. Has anyone used Pool Marvel and if so what do you think of it?
  9. HarryMichael

    Robotic electrical cord kinking/twisting up

    Any tips for keeping the electrical cord from kinking up in pool? Having just replaced the cord on my Maytronics active 20 after just two years, I'd like to keep it in good shape. About a month ago it would stop cleaning after about 20-30 minutes. If I tugged on the cord, it would start up...
  10. HarryMichael

    Calcium amount in Fiberglass pool

    For most of the life of my pool I have keep the CH between 120-150. When I bought my new pool cleaner last month they told me I should run my CH around 250-300. Anyone have an opinion about this. Marty you have a fiberglass pool what do you run yours at? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  11. HarryMichael

    Active 20 waterline cleaning

    I've had my Active 20 for about 3 weeks now...I have a question about the waterline cleaning. I have seen the Maytronics video that shows the cleaner tracking across the waterline..mine crawls up to the waterline and cleans that one area for about 15 sec then drops back to pool floor. No moving...
  12. HarryMichael


    Just out of curiosity I bought a bottle of water clarifier just to see what it will do. What exactly does it do or is it just a waste of money as long as your pool water is truly balanced. I am basically a BBB guy and don't have a lot of problems , Knock on wood.
  13. HarryMichael

    Maytronics Active 20

    Okay...For Fathers Day, my wife said get a new cleaner! She is tired of me complaining about repairing my Pentair Legend (11 years old). So tell me I won't go wrong with the Active 20 spending $800 plus tax for this! I have a few Questions: ..I rarely took my cleaner out of the pool..(every 4-5...
  14. HarryMichael

    Calcium Hardness

    Need to bring my calcium hardness up from 25 to about 175-200 in my fiberglass pool. Where is a good place to get calcium chloride at a good price? I think 200 is where I need to be. Thanks?
  15. HarryMichael

    Muriatic acid

    Need to add some muriatic acid.... Have half gallon that is about 5 years old. Is this still good? **if no good, how can I dispose of it? ** Thanks?
  16. HarryMichael

    Pentair Legend (Kreepy Krauly) pressure side cleaner

    I think I'm going to replace my 11 year old Pentair Legend pressure side cleaner. It's worked well for a long time now for my medium size pool. In 11 years I probably spent over what a new one cost to keep it going which is not so bad I guess. At this point just about everything needs to be...
  17. HarryMichael

    Pentair 320

    I use BBB most of the time and use the Pentair 320 Automatic feeder W/ 1" tabs for the times I'm going out of town. Some say not to use 3" tabs in the 320 but most I know "use" 3" tabs. 3's are much cheaper. Is there a reason not to use them? Thanks.. Harry
  18. HarryMichael

    Replacing one third of pool water to reduce CYA

    Tomorrow I am replacing a third of the water in my fiberglass pool. A while back someone posted a technique for removing water and filling at the same time. I'll use a sump pump to pump water out and a garden hose to put water back in. I can't remember if they said to put the pump deep and hose...
  19. HarryMichael

    In what order should I add the chems for balancing my water

    FC/TC....6.......goal.....6 pH.........6.8....goal.....7.5 TA.........40.....goal.....120 CH.........30.....goal.....150 CYA.......65.....goal......50 *Fiberglass pool Now that the big rain storms have stopped (pool overflowed twice) and my numbers are way off, I'd like to get everything back...
  20. HarryMichael

    Water way off (New Number Set-still green) Help

    Well , finally took out the "Trouble Free Test Kit" after the pool went green 4 days ago!! Lots of rain, winter and being a little lazy allowed it to go green. At this point I clean the walls, vac clean filter and then put about 6-8 gallons of bleach in and run the pump for a few days. That...
  21. HarryMichael

    One Year Muriatic Acid

    Hi.. I have a bottle of muriatic acid that is over a year it still good? Thanks, Harry
  22. HarryMichael

    Legend Rubber "ribbed/smooth" Wheels

    I'm getting ready to order some rubber tires for the Legend cleaner..When it was new it came with "ribbed" tires and last time I bought them, they were the smooth type tire. What is the difference between the ribbed and smooth tire? Smooth few bucks more. Thanks, Harry
  23. HarryMichael

    Why can't you get 1" Chlorine Pucks Without "CYA"

    Monday morning rant...It just seem like it would be easy to add CYA when needed...Why don't they make a "just chlorine" puck. I spent the money for the Rainbow 320 Chlorinator and by using it, the CYA levels end up well over 100-150 in no time at all. (rant....It seems a little like a scam to...
  24. HarryMichael

    Pleatco/Unicel filters

    Going to replace my Pentair cartridge filter and I'm looking at Unicel C-9410 and Pleatco PAP100-4. The Pleatco looks very much like the Pentair and the Unicel has that PVC core with the holes in it. Anyone have an opinion about the two filters? Thanks-Harry
  25. HarryMichael

    Inline water valve handle broke!!

    In the 18 months of having the pool, the inline 3/4" valve handle to turn the water on/off to slide has broken twice. Can someone recommend a "well made" valve. I don't want a $2 one from Home Depot ( which looks like the one I have). Do pool companies have better valves or maybe a plumbing...
  26. HarryMichael

    Removing CYA/Water

    I need to remove a lot of water from the pool in order to remove CYA..can someone tell me.. If I were to use a pump, How much water can I take out at a time without doing any damage to the fiberglass pool?? Is there a "chemical" way of doing it?? Harry
  27. HarryMichael

    POOL GREEN?? Update**

    Update at bottom**** How has everyone been over the winter?? Well, our pool has looked wonderful all winter then Thursday afternoon I cleaned the filter, lubed stuff etc. Friday, woke up and pool was a beautiful "green" color!! Can't get to my TF KIT because it's locked in store...
  28. HarryMichael

    Problem with my Weber grill

    I have the Weber Genesis Gold (5 years old) and starting a few weeks ago the temp stays between 450-500..even on low. Anyone know whats up with it? Harry
  29. HarryMichael

    New Photo Test

    Photo size....
  30. HarryMichael

    Cartridge Filter Quality

    I have the Pentair 100 (23"x10") which sells for around $131.00 mail order. Unicel sells their replacement filter for $82.00. Is their a difference in quality between the two filters? Are there other brands to consider?? Harry