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  1. L

    delete all logs

    Is there a way to just delete all logs from my pool math account? I'm trying to clear out my previous years log history.
  2. L

    Opening to a mess - mesh cover

    We got a little algae on our mesh cover when removing it. Once it is dried out besides stains and stuff is there any danger in not cleaning the cover or do we really strongly suggest cleaning the cover? We have a power washer and I was going to suggest we lay it out in our driveway and clean...
  3. L

    Algae??? Not sure

    So twice this year I have had yellow on my liner mostly on the slope areas. The first time my chlorine was low and I just figured Algae but I also has some work done around the pool with digging and the other thought was that maybe clay fell in. This is the color that it looks like. So I...
  4. L

    Winter cover brass anchor bolts

    Does anyone put anything on the cover anchor bolts to keep them from seizing up? I'm pulling them all out and blowing the inside of them out and thought maybe I should put something on them before screwing them back in.
  5. L

    closing chemicals

    I don't plan on putting in any algacide or anything unless this is really recommended. I planned on every month dumping in a gallon of 10% bleach. I also have a floater that I could fill with a few different things. Trichlor tabs cal hypo tabs or cal hypo powder Trying to get everyone's...
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    Cleaning a inline chlorinator by waterway

    Does anyone have any experience in cleaning one of these? I need to clean it out because I stupidly put in NST tablets into it. It is not clogged but I want to clean it all out. I'm wondering if there is a way to dismantle it without having to cut the piping since I'm no plumber. It looks...
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    Ideal CYA - Not Salt water

    I have a few questions here. 1. What is the ideal CYA for a vinyl pool? I have been trying to keep my CYA LOW like as close to 30 as possible because of the lower needed amount of FC but I feel like every other day to every day I'm adding a gallon of bleach and this seems like a lot of bleach...
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    CYA R-0013 containers and mixing tube - Purple??

    I have a question. I bought a new bottle of the R-0013 CYA reagent and I have been refilling the small bottles you get in the K2006 kit from Taylor. What is strange is the old bottles are turning purple along with the bottle I mix and clean out after every test. The large new bottle of the...
  9. L

    Solar Pool heater...

    So my wife is freaking about a heater. We only need it for about a week to heat the pool up. Naturally it will get warm after that and in fact too warm during the summer. A few questions I have. I only want to use this for a week or two at the most. So I'm thinking something very temporary...
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    worst pool opening yet

    I need some help. Last year I had a minor issue with some Algae (cleaned this up) and flushed (sprayed with water) my filters at end of year and before we opened this year. So opening... Opening up the pool was the worst it has ever looked. Very dark cant' see the bottom in the shallow...