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  1. G

    Not to toot my own horn but....

    I had a major algae situation and took care of it all by myself! I have really gotten a hang of this pool care stuff since Guamguy has been on deployment, I see now why he says it's "relaxing". There is something cathartic about keeping your pool clean and nice for friends to enjoy. I just...
  2. G

    Pool dye?

    I'm having a toga/pool party tonight for my birthday and I have some stuff called "party pool" to dye it dark blue. Seems festive. Is it going to mess up my chemicals or make it hard for me to take readings? :party:
  3. G

    Replastering? How much money are we talking here?

    Ballpark. We have white plaster right now, I'm thinking its the cheapo stuff because it seems to have deteriorated fairly quickly.
  4. G

    High pressure?

    So I had the pump running while we were swimming today and my son asked me to turn on the waterslide. I did, and then when I went to close the valve to the waterslide, the pump started sounding like it was working really hard and the needle on the gauge was jumping back and forth from 30 to 40...
  5. G

    I know there is no "stupid" questions, but.....

    Will there be days that I don't put ANYTHING in the pool? It seems both the PH and the FC are legit as of tonight, the water looks clear, etc. It seemed like Brian was always tinkering and adding stuff. :hammer: We did the total battery of tests on Monday, and it's Thursday night here. Also...
  6. G

    Help! Guamguy left on deployment.....

    ....and I am OVERWHELMED. I have visited the "pool school", I'm not too worried about the chemistry, but the actual pump and whatnot, well, I'm scared of it. I just ran the pump and after an hour did the ph and chlorine tests which were fine. I don't want to sound like an idiot, but an OPEN...