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  1. M

    Pool pump shorts the breaker, light does not

    I have a pool pump and light for the ingroud pool going into the same box, with two seperate toggles to turn each off. these connect to the main breaker via under ground to the house. the light toggle does not reset the switch on the main breaker. When i try to turn on the pool pump, it trips...
  2. M

    Rust spots bottom of pool liner

    Hello, I dove down today into the pool with goggles and saw some rust spots. I thought maybe black algea but they didnt wipe away. questions, what is most likely the cause? and how do i know if its a big deal or a one time deal(or can this rust sort of expand..sorry if thats a bad question)...
  3. M

    Bubbles coming out of the jets

    Hello, Trying to identify the issue here. WHen I run the filter, I notice bubbles coming out of the jets. The first place I looked was the basket on the pump. While running, there seems to be some mix of air in the basket as the water is swirling around (i can see through plastic top). This...
  4. M

    oops to my lawn

    Hello So I have a big inground that i had to drain to below jets yadda yadda to close up. I shocked the pool and treated it before I closed it. I think the shock level was likely high, 8ish by the time i began draining. I drained it through a pump into a hose and onto my lawn. My lawn now a...
  5. M

    Pool Opening dragging..

    Hello, ANyone on this forum from New England? If so have you opened your pool, and is it taking longer than nomral to complete the shocking process(or get pool completely clear)? I've been at it now for 2+weeks. The last few years have been about 8-10 days from mucky to clear. It's been...
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    Dumbest question of all time

    I'll delete this once its answered and i realize i'm a dummy. the end of my brush broke off when scrubbing the pool a week or so ago. I'm in shock mode right now, so i havent gone in the water. Leaves and other debris will consume the chlorine's efforts. Will the end of my brush eat up any...
  7. M

    Pool Store opinion on bleach method

    has anyone actually asked a pool store owner/employee what they think about this method? I still get a lot of strange looks when i describe it to friends and family, but i wonder if any pool store owners actually admit that it works ok. I thought about this yesterday as I bought a replacement...
  8. M

    100-110 TA with about 6.9-7.0 PH

    should i be concerned about that total alkilinity reading?
  9. M

    Pucks and Jugs

    Hello, You guys helped me last year so I figured I would pick your brain again. 2 years ago I bought a mother load of 3 inch pucks. Last year, I began using the bleach method. The problem now is that I have a huge tub of pucks sitting in the pool shed. As you guys know, these are expensive...
  10. M

    Pool cloudy, mostly in deep end

    Hello, Ok, so last year I had the same cloudy issue. The pool is about 20 by 40ft inground. There are two skimmers and a main drain, and two outputs. One output in the shallow end, one in the deep end. I have balanced the pool by getting it tested once a week and using the necessary...
  11. M

    sand or dirt or debri back in pool afrter vacuuming

    Hello, I vacuumed a lot of debri from the pool this evening. I vacuumed on filter. Then I cleaned the basket in the pump. Then Backwashed, then rinsed, then turned the filter back on. When I turned the filter back on it spit out some dirt or sand or something back into the water for a few...