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  1. J

    Pentair 2HP SuperFlo Replacement

    My 7 year old 2HP SuperFlo is nearing the end of life. Squeaking pretty bad and worried neighbors will start to complain. I see they no linger make the single speed superflo that I have now SF-N1-2A. I was told The Superflo VST Part number 342002 is the replacement but to me I would only be...
  2. J

    Repair contractor is saying it is good idea to put 3-4 foot concrete apron around pool 4 inches thick to go under the pavers

    We had some damage to the pool coping and bond beam in one area and the repair person is recommending in addition to fixing the damage and doing decoseal around the coping that we should install a 3-4 foot apron which would be 4 inches thick that would go under the pavers. He is saying this...
  3. J

    Need to backwash DE filter every 10-24 hours

    I have a 30K gallon inground pool. I opened it about a week ago. I have noticed that I need to backwash it about ever 10-24 hours. The water is a little cloudy but most debris has been vacuumed out. I have now backwashed it 3 times so far. Is this common while opening up? Could something...