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  1. ironmanix

    The Liquidator - What is it?

    What exactly is the Liquidator? I'm assuming it's a chlorine delivery system, but I can't seem to find the post/thread/site that tells me enough about it. If it is what I think it is, I want one. :) Can somebody point me to the definitative information resources for this?
  2. ironmanix

    Pump/Heater Automation.. I'm looking for a timer to control my pump and heater. I'm assuming this is it above. My general goal would be to have the ability to have the pump run maybe twice daily to clean/heat the pool - with the ability to manually override, of...
  3. ironmanix

    Pump placement..

    My pipes coming into the pump/filter area need to be blown up and rebuilt. I have 3 returns and 5 skimmers coming into that "closet" and the valves are all broken, etc.. Anyway - long story short - it would be much better for space purposes if I was able to elevate the pump a few feet. Right...
  4. ironmanix

    Temp filter setup

    Pool was flooded (again - solving that separately). Very dirty with dirt, mulch, etc. My de filter won't hack it. Clogs up way too fast. Found a s220t sand filter and a 3/4 hp superpump online for 300 bucks like new. Bought it and set it up poolside to clean the pool. After a few hours of...
  5. ironmanix

    IG Pool, winter.. What water level?

    What is the recommended level to keep the water in a vinyl, ig pool with a safety cover during the winter?
  6. ironmanix

    Need a cheap, reliable, easy way to drain of top of pool.

    Ideas? Our pool will fill from time-to-time with rainwater over the winter. The drainpipes and dedicated pump are not in use at this time so the only way to get the water out is to pump it out somehow from the top. I have a sump-type pump that I can put into the pool but (a) it uses a lot...
  7. ironmanix

    Half of a cover - effective?

    Is it at all effective to only cover half the pool with a solar cover? The reason being that we have a pretty large pool (45x20?) in a lazy L shape. Taking the cover on and off is quite the chore. If I left the cover only on the deep end it leaves the shallow end open for when the wife and...
  8. ironmanix

    Quick Question..

    I know, I know - I can figure this out myself in Pool School (and I promise, I will read it later tonight), but I need a quick answer. I've been using bleach for sanitizing. I'm not around my pool daily - maybe every three days or so - mostly weekends. When the season started I bought 20 or...
  9. ironmanix

    loose line in vinyl liner...

    My pool has developed a 4-5' section of raised loose vinyl (a wrinkle?) in the shallow section of my pool (4' from every wall). It is about a 1" wide strip of vinyl that is almost like a bubble - loose enough that you can squeeze it together and even slightly pull it upwards. Worried about...
  10. ironmanix

    Diff. between an inground and above ground pump?

    I've had this pool for three and a half summers - it has flooded twice. I'm going to be working on the flooding issue (clogged drains, etc). but in the meantime I'd like to build a temporary pool-side filtering setup to use when needed in addition to my daily-use setup. I rented a pump and...
  11. ironmanix

    Oh boy. flooding rains last night..

    We had some extremely heavy rains last night. Long story short - a necessary drain near the pool clogged overnight (typically I'm on top of this but got caught by suprise last night - just spent a few hours more permanently addressing that issue). Woke up this morning to mulch and dirt in the...
  12. ironmanix

    Sta Rite SR200NA NG Heater. ES1 Trouble Light

    I have a Sta Right SR200NA NG Pool heater. Fired it up yesterday - seemed like it was going to be fine - heard the blower kick on, then heard the "woosh" as it lit (presumably). Hot air coming from exhuast, etc. Service Heater light comes on. Typically this light will come on for a bit...
  13. ironmanix

    Why no algae?

    I posted a few weeks back about some persistant algae that I had trouble shaking. Ended up being a chemical issue, got it fixed - things were sparkly. Cut to about a week or two ago - a) we've had several heavy, windy storms moving through every other day and b) My kids started baseball so I...
  14. ironmanix

    My numbers...

    FC - 2, TC - 2, CC - 0? CYA - 50 PH - 7.8 TA 100-110 CH - 170 Per the Taylor test doc, CH should be in the 200-400 range. What does CH affect? More importantly what does LOW CH affect?
  15. ironmanix

    DE Filter question..

    I've got a Hayward 75 DE filter - replaced a cartridge filter a year or two ago. Anyway - is it typical that this should happen? It seems when I put new DE in that it gets up to max pressure quickly - sometimes a few times in a day I'm required to go out and bump it. Then after two or three...
  16. ironmanix

    Am I lucky or good?

    Pool was opened earlier this week (guys dropped a few bottles of shock in it when they opened it, but that's it). What a mess - leaves everywhere, heavy algae growth on walls and bottom - water wasn't terrible, but not good - murky - could barely make out the bottom returns in the 6' section...
  17. ironmanix

    pump timer..

    I have a pump in my poolhouse that is tied into a switch on the wall. If I wanted to throw a timer on that, what exactly am I looking for? I can handle light electrical work - is this something that is easy to install myself? How much will it cost?
  18. ironmanix

    Chlorinator help..

    I have a 32k gallon IG pool. Hayward DE (75?) filter, Hayward CL220 Chlorinator. 4 wall skimmers, 1 bottom skimmer, 2 wall returns, 1 bottom return. Chlorine (obviously). I can keep the pool very clean with little effort with this setup, generally. I pay a service to open and close the...