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  1. Sewingmom

    pump to filter hose blows off

    Help, We had a new pump and sand filter installed last year. last week twice the heavy rubber hose from the pump to the filter blew off draining the pool below the skimmer intake. I replaced it and clamped it tighter. 2 days later it blew off again. I assumed I hadn't gotten it down all the...
  2. Sewingmom

    new to BBB method of pool maintenance

    Greetings new friends, To begin with, the pool was not closed down last year and was full of leaves. It still has some leaves in the bottom but yesterday discovered vacuuming to waste and sucked a lot more leaves out. (1.5 weeks ago I shocked the pool with 6 1lb bottles of Clorox Xtra Blue Shock...
  3. Sewingmom

    New to forum, need lots of help

    Hi folks, Thanks or the welcome, I am so glad I found Y'all. I am 67 years young and, Because of my husbands disability I am forced to learn pool maintenance. Our ABG pool is 12 years old (25 year predicted life span), I am just learning the opening up procedures. Ronnie had a brain...