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  1. J

    Closing AGP late and need advice

    I live in Southern Missouri and the temps have been unusually warm this year. It hasn't gone below 40 I don't think. It's expected to get pretty cold this weekend so I'm going to be closing soon, but had some concerns. 1. The only thing I plan on leaving outside is the sand filter, but I'm...
  2. J

    Skimmer weir broke and need replacement

    So my skimmer weir connectors broke off and I can't find a model or name or anything on the skimmer or weir. How can I replace this?
  3. J

    Day 3 of SLAM

    I'm in day 3 of my slam. I haven't had any overnight chlorine loss and my CC level is always at .5 or below. But my water is still cloudy and doesn't look like it's changed. Is my sand filter just not good enough? FC: 20 CC: .5 TC: 20.5 pH: 7.5 CYA: 50 Alkalinity: 100
  4. J

    No overnight loss, huge daytime loss, still cloudy

    This morning around 7:30 I measured around 20 FC .75 CC. Then at noon measured 16 FC and .5 CC so I added enough to get it back to 20. Then at 5:30 I just measured 11.5 FC and .75 CC. I'm in the middle of a slam, water still looks the same but I don't know where all my chlorine is going. Am I...
  5. J

    Question about vacuuming

    I'm in the middle of a SLAM and as the water started to clear up I'm seeing a large pile of what appears to be sand from my old filter (since replaced) and dead algae piled up in the center of the pool. I have a round pool so it appears like it was spiraled around from the circulation of the...
  6. J

    First test with TF100

    Just competed my first TF100 test. FC: 6 CC: .5 OTO showed higher than 5 pH: 7.5 Alkalinity: 100-110 CYA: 50 CH: 175 Time to SLAM and clear up that water? Also wanted to add that the magnetic speedstir is great and worth the money. - - - Updated - - - Adding signature
  7. J

    Can I clear the water up with sand at the bottom of the pool?

    I had an old filter that dropped a bunch of sand into the pool. I got a brand new filter btw lol. Anyway the water is too cloudy to see where all the sand is so I can't get it out. I'm in the process of preparing to SLAM it, waiting on my test kit, but can I get the water clear even with that...
  8. J

    New home, first time pool owner

    Just wanted to know if I'm on the right track and what I should do next, water looks terrible and all that gunk in the middle even with filter on. Trying to open my above ground pool that was here when I bought the house. I'm using the BBB method currently and have my readings at. I've been...