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  1. R

    Q on how to set VSP speed when heater on (automatically)

    Greetings, I have iAquaLink setup on my pool with a ePump and a 400k heater. Now that it's cooling off, how do I go about setting the main pump to be at a specific speed when the heater is on? The installer set something up similar for the cleaner, but I'm not sure how he did it. IIRC it is...
  2. R

    Noob pool owner (soon to be, July '16 ETA)

    Hello, Rob from TX. We're installing a pool now, with photos in this thread: This is our first pool and we, mostly, like simple. Well, when I say simple, we like clean design and sometimes that...
  3. R

    I have a hole in the ground, destined to be a pool

    Greetings, My pool: As you can see, it's a hole in the ground right now. We /hope/ to have water in it in a little over a month. It should be around 21k gallons (19x38 with a tanning shelf at the far end). So what brings me here this early, I mean, I don't have a water problem yet! Well...