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  1. P

    cva failure? repair or replace? i would like to recycle...

    Hey guys, I've got a compool actuator valve that when switching to spa mode during freeze protection, doesn't finish switching. It seems that the gears/cams are worn out as it appears that the gears teeth aren't connecting, therefore failing to move the camshaft. Is there a manual or guide with...
  2. P

    Purex Triton Ultra Flow pump screamed and cut off

    During the recent freeze(20's) a customer's purex triton ultra flow pump started screaming and would cut itself off while the pool switched pool/spa modes. This pump acts as the spa booster pump, as when it is on, so are the bubbles in the spa! After the second cut off and restart, my customer...
  3. P

    Greetings and salutations

    Hi, Ian from Dallas, TX here. I run a small pool maintenance company and am very eager to learn the full relativity and scope of all things pool! The name of my company is American Pride Pool Protection, and as the name suggests my goal is to maintain the pools in the healthiest longest lasting...