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  1. therocksaz

    Nasties in the pool...

    So, tonight I went to do my daily pool test and noticed a dead field mouse at the bottom of the pool, as I was upping the chlorine level. We did swim last night, so this was definitely a fresh addition this afternoon and hadn't been there longer than 10 hours or so. My FC was at 3.5 and I added...
  2. therocksaz

    I feel like I'm doing something wrong ...

    So, I did the full lot of tests with my TF-100 Friday and these were the results: FC - 5.5 PH - 7.2 CH - 300 CYA - 50 TA - 200 Over Saturday and Sunday my son and I had a few dips (wife thought it was too cold :confused:) and I kept up with the daily tests with the K-1000 tests and everything...
  3. therocksaz

    Child Safety Devices?

    I know this doesn't have anything to do with the chemistry of my water or general maintenance of the pool and equipment, but I was hoping someone might be able to help me here. I have a 2 yr. old boy who just recently started getting out of bed on his own, and since we bought a house with a pool...
  4. therocksaz

    Perfect Weekly?

    So, a long long time ago (like a month ago) I stepped into the local pool supply looking for help getting started with my pool and the guy working the desk was nice enough, said I should get some chlorine tablets and a product called Perfect Weekly. He said this triple-action additive would help...
  5. therocksaz

    Diverter Valves

    Hello all, I just purchased a home with an in ground pool and there were no manuals left from the previous owner to give me any ideas as to what diverter valves do what. I can tell they used to be marked but only a few of them I can still make out and I figured out others just by messing...