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  1. P

    How to Read "Born-On" Date for Liquid Chlorine

    Hi All, I am having trouble finding/deciphering the dates on the liquid chlorine I buy. I usually buy the 10% from either Home Depot (HSX brand) or mostly from Lowes (Kemtek). Chlorine seems pretty expensive here in Las Vegas. Walmart concentrated regular bleach (8%) was like $2.75 a gallon...
  2. P

    CH and Scale Question

    Would you consider CH of 525 warranting the use of a regular anti scaler? If so what product do you recommend?
  3. P

    Need Recommendations on a Liquidator Build

    Hi all, I tried reading some of the older posts on this, but I haven't been able to put together the "complete" package of all what should be entailed in my LQ build. While I plan to have a pool guy install it, I want to be entirely aware of what should get installed and the "best" way to...
  4. P

    Algaecide Products

    Hi all, I've been evaluating algaecide products and am looking at non-metal algaecide and metal algaecide (copper based). For comparisons sake, has anyone used Doheny's Algaecide 60 (non-metalic) vs Doheny's Super Algaecide Plus (copper based)? Someone mentioned there could be problems from...
  5. P


    Hi! Greetings from Las Vegas, NV! Just bought a house with a pool so the story goes... now all the equipment must go :) Looking forward to learning how to care for the pool myself and saving $100/month ;)