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  1. B

    spider gasket maybe?

    I have water leaking from my multi-port valve from the extra port that has a plug in it. Do I need to just replace the spider gasket or can you replace the plug maybe? if so how? Thanks!!
  2. B

    I have a leak......

    I just found out that I have a leak at the valve but I am not sure just what part this is called or how to fix it. I will try to see if I can get the picture to post....I am new to all this. Thanks, Betsy
  3. B

    you are going to love this...

    I have been doing the BBB method for little over a week and have been shocking for a couple of days, pool is so clear, I think its the best since we purchased the house two years ago. Hubby went to return some of the un-open junk we had from the pool store and he said as a cover up for getting...
  4. B

    help with overnight FC test

    night before last my FC dropped from 7 to 5 so I asked about shocking and was told to do it at dark. Last night I put in 5.5 jugs (174 oz) of bleach to get my FC to 31 wait an hour reading was 40 so I did not add anything. Next hour 35, next hour 29.5 so I added more bleach (2 quarts & 1 cup)...
  5. B

    shock or not to shock

    First I am very new to the BBB, checked water on Monday: ch:240 ph: 7.5 fc: 7.5 cc:.5 ta: 170 cya:90 did a drain/refill CH:240 PH: 7.2 fc: 1 cc:1 cya: 70 last night about two hours after adding the bleach fc:7 cc:1 this morning before the sun was on the pool fc:5 cc:1 Should I shock...
  6. B

    cya question

    First of all I am all new to the BBB and just starting to change over. Did my test, posted the reading in another post but I have a question. How can you get your CYA reading down other then water drain and refill. If I start to use bleach will the cya go down in time? I have been using...
  7. B

    Needs some help

    I have been reading about the BBB method and I am thinking what do I have to lose but I do have a few questions. Can I start the BBB method at any time? I have a pool house that looks like a pool store with all the junk that they have sold us :oops: I am sure they will hate to not be seeing...