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  1. M

    Important note for BBB

    Never ignore checking the pool for a week. We had a lot going on last week, and left the solar cover on the pool. Every time I walked by I saw it was still blue and said, I'll have to check the chemistry later. Friday AM, still blue, Friday evening... green. I'm beating the bloom back into...
  2. M

    Where can I shop for rectangular above ground pools online?

    I guess if it's above ground, it doesn't really matter the shape, but I'd like to find an above ground pool that's rectangular. I'd do an in-ground, but they're out of my range right now. I've seen info about the Kayak pools, but no pricing. Who else makes rectangular pools?
  3. M

    Looking for pool ideas

    So, the Pool guys tell me it will be $3500 to replace my liner for my 15'x30' above ground pool since the frame is old and it would have to be a custom pool. I'm going to try to last a couple seasons with the liner the way it is, but I'm looking at options. I want to see what kind of a plan I...
  4. M

    Thanks for a great season! Closing was cake!

    Well, after a sloppy start (dumping the cover's sludge into the pool) my pool has been crystal clear all season! Didn't have to shock once (again, after the sloppy start). So, today, I brought the pool to shock level, cleaned it, pulled out the steps, and put the cover on. I didn't drain it yet...
  5. M

    Interesting read at PA Dept. of Health
  6. M

    Do I empty now or in a few months?

    A successful first year with our pool! Yea! But the liner needs fixing. It's come out of the track at the top. We went the season like that, but I'd like to fix it. Calling around the only guy that would do it said I'd need to drain the pool out. I agree, having tried to unsuccessfully fix it...
  7. M

    Another pool fail
  8. M

    Making a vinyl liner bottom less slippery?

    I keep up on vacuuming my pool, the waters clean, still no overnight FC loss, so I don't think I have algae. But when moving about the pool, trying to play pool games, like volleyball and such, it's easy to lose traction. Of course, you're not going to move very quickly in the water, but I was...
  9. M

    Thanks, thanks, and more thanks!

    Boy! What a summer so far. We've had our nephews over in the pool, 1.5 and 3.5, and they're learning to swim. (Now that they have a place to learn! :) ) Last night had our first 'non-family' cookout/pool party. Boy it was fun. The 'big' kids (adults acting like kids) had a lot of fun, and then...
  10. M

    Other forums as helpful as this?

    I really appreciate all the help I've gotten from this forum, and all the people. Do you know of a forum this helpful about yard care and landscaping?
  11. M

    Not impressed with the pool builder... I'm just sayin'

    This is not my pool, but I found it, thought you would appreciate it. [attachment=0:16vhgk4a]bobcatInPool.jpg[/attachment:16vhgk4a]
  12. M

    Interesting story on CNN about public pools The test strips test Free Chlorine, and if you're not the one in charge of maintaining the pool, should be good enough. But I'd rather have my own pool, where I know what I'm swimming in. :)
  13. M

    Best deal on Volley Ball/basket ball sets?

    I say best deal since lowest price doesn't always mean a good deal. I'm looking to find a volleyball basket ball combo, or separate for my AGP. I've shopped around a bit, and found some, but I'm wondering what you've used.
  14. M

    2 - 6 hour cycles or 3 - 4 hour cycles a day?

    I figure my 1HP pump should be able to cycle all my water in 3-4 hours. Right now I have it on a 6 on/6 off cycle, so twice a day it runs for 6 hours. (6AM to noon, and 6PM to midnight.) Would I be better served by going 3 - 4 hour shifts? (6-10AM, 2-6 PM, 10PM-2AM) Stats below.
  15. M

    What type of cleaner for my pool?

    I am starting to look at automatic cleaners. I've seen some that do the sides of above ground pools. My above ground is basically rectangular, although the frame is rounded at the corners. The bottom is 4', but there is a ledge that is only 3' deep that runs around the edge of the whole pool...
  16. M

    I've finished shocking, when can I go in?

    After a nightly drop test went from 19.5 to only 19 :whoot: I'm done shocking. After sitting in the sun all day, it's down to 13.5 FC. The target for my CYA is 5. What level is safe to go in?
  17. M

    Aeration to lower TA, how to?

    My TA is 170. I'd like to bring it down a bit. I put the eyelet back in the return port, and have it angled up, so water is bubbling a bit there. Will this be enough to lower it? My pH is about 7.4 right now.
  18. M

    Borax or Soda Ash

    I have 20 mule team borax and Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster at my grocery store. The washing soda is cheaper per box, and according to the Pool Calculator, you don't need as much. Which is better? What are the differences?
  19. M

    Adding DE to a sand filter?

    I've heard about doing this on this site somewhere. Is this a good suggestion? How do you go about doing it?
  20. M

    Can I swim in between shocks?

    So, I've been shocking since Saturday. Last night it was holding at shock level for an hour or two. It only dropped 12ppm overnight. I will continue to shock. But the water is clear. Can we get a quick swim in this afternoon before I continue shocking if the FC is around 5-8ppm?
  21. M

    Bleach is cheaper, but cal hypo is easier to carry

    Last night we put our recycling out for the first time in 2 weeks. (Our collection only does recycling every 2 weeks.) I waited till dark, and dragged out a recycling can filled with bleach bottles, a small box, and a big box filled also with bleach bottles. (Overflowing to be exact.) To help...
  22. M

    Do solar covers burn chlorine the same as open sunlight?

    That's about it. Will having my solar cover on while I'm at work keep the chlorine in? Or will it still burn off? This is the plain old bubble wrap like cover. I won't do those 'Solar cover in a pill'. Anything that says it puts a film on my water is not getting in my water. :rant:
  23. M

    How do I know if I have mustard algae?

    The Pool Calculator offers a shock level for mustard algae. How do I know when I have to use that?
  24. M

    Has anybody tried the 'ePool' device? Thoughts on this?
  25. M

    Is Leslie's shock okay if I'm going to use Cal-Hypo?

    Just to get the pool under control, I want to do a hard and heavy shock, then continue with bleach. I would shock with just 6% bleach, but I can't find enough around my house. Is this ok? (My calcium is low enough that I don't mind doing this, just to get the algae under control.)...
  26. M

    Wilkes pool liner pulling away - Please, still need help!

    I have this happening in two spots, how do I fix it? [attachment=0:3e4xm7qt]PIC_0298.jpg[/attachment:3e4xm7qt]
  27. M

    Does Algae like sun or not?

    I know algae thrives in warmer weather, but I heard algae likes shade better than sunlight. What's the truth?
  28. M

    Can I shock in the rain?

    I need to shock, but can I do it in the rain? Does that mess things up?
  29. M

    Can water seep through a tarp like pool cover?

    I'm not sure if the cover is a pool cover, or just a big tarp. I'm posting a pic. [attachment=0:nq29h0b4]PIC_0296.jpg[/attachment:nq29h0b4] Could the pool water be seeping up through the cover? Because I keep running my cover pump, and it's still wet. If it can seep up, can it seep down? Cause...
  30. M

    First Time, checking my figures

    Here is what I got this evening: Date 05/19/10 FC 0.5 CC 1.5 TC 2 pH 7.2 T/A 180 CH CYA 40 Temp 60 I'd like to shock, so I can get to a baseline quickly. My pump is up and running. My cover (black tarp-like pool cover) is on. Pool is starting to look a tad green. I've put 3 96oz jugs of cheap...