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  1. B

    Omnilogic ghost alarms!

    Yesterday we experienced the typical power surge. It was very quick. About 15 min later I received 3 alarms on my Omnilogic Apple App. I immediately went to the console and rebooted it to see if the alarms would disappear. They went away on the console but stayed as alarms on the app!?! I...
  2. B

    Omnilogic - Never before seen Provisioning Error!

    I read an inactive thread about the Error Provisioning "Failed" errors, which I started getting after the most recent updates; however, I am now constantly getting "Error provisioning not authorized" alarms. Super annoying, and do not seem to be affecting the function of my omnilogic. Any idea...
  3. B

    How Long to Run a Variable Speed Pump

    Hello Everyone. I'm new to the site here and what brought me here is a debate on how long I should run my pool pump in my new salt water pool in Houston, TX. I have a 20'x40' pool, with a model 6060 boster pump controlled by an Omnilogic system and Variable Hayward Century pump. My Pool...