Search results

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    Raising the deep end

    Hello, I have pool that's 9 feet at its deepest. I was wondering if people ever raise the level of their deep ends? If so, is this a big expensive project? thanks
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    Recommended epoxy to fill a crack

    I'll be working on fixing a long hairline crack in my pool this weekend. Just wondering what type/brand of epoxy I should be getting to fill the crack with. Any advice is appreciated.
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    Getting ready to refill pool after fixing a crack

    As I continue to pump water out of my pool to get to the crack near the main drain, I've noticed lines of dead algae on the dry parts of the pool. Almost like water lines, but green. Before I fix and fill my pool, I'm wondering if these lines are going to be a problem. Do I need to somehow...
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    Pool Putty

    Does anyone have experience with pool putty epoxy to fill cracks in the pool plaster? If so, how long can I expect this stuff to last? Thanks
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    Repairing crack options?

    I'm not 100% sure yet that there is a crack at the bottom of my pool, but all signs are pointing that way. I had a great leak detector guy come out yesterday who checked all the plumbing, lines, lights, coping, tile, deck, and even swam around the entire pool for about 30 minutes looking for a...
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    Leaking pool?

    I'm not 100% sure but it sure looks as if there's a leak in my pool. We had some pretty good rain 2 days ago which filled my pool above the tile line. This morning, with no sun out and a solar blanket on, the water level is at the half way point of the tile. At least down two inches in two days...
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    Skimmer weir

    So I've noticed a lot of fine debris floating on the surface. I've always had problems with fine debris, but lately it seems like more is on top. Maybe it's my imagination. Either way, I also noticed that my weir is not bobbing up and down. It seems stuck "laying down" when the filter is on...
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    Partial draining of pool

    So I need to drain 18% of my pool (3400 gallons) because my CH is too high. How do I know when I've drained enough of the water? Or not enough? Right now, I'm just guessing that by the time it reaches the second step, it's good. Any better way of telling? Thanks
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    Normal to see DE in pool after filter cleaning?

    I cleaned my filter this weekend and right after putting DE through the skimmer, I noticed the pool getting cloudy. Is it normal to see some DE get back into the pool after cleaning the filter? I let the filter run over night and everything seems to be normal now. Thanks
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    Normal to see DE back in the pool after cleaning the filter?

    So I cleaned my filter for the second time since it was installed last year. After I added the DE I noticed that the pool got cloudy. I'm running the filter its full cycle to see if it clears up, but is it normal to see DE back in the pool after adding it to a clean filter? Thanks!
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    fixing pool tile

    So a few pieces of tile above the water line fell off. Looking for fix. Any advice is appreciated!
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    Fixing pool tile

    So a few pieces of tile above the water line fell off. Looking for fix. Any advice is appreciated!
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    Maintaining the pool with a solar blanket on

    I'm thinking about buying a solar blanket but had a question about pool maintenance. Do I need to take the cover off completely every time I need to add chemicals to the pool? Thanks
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    Question on bleach and pH

    As far as bleach, I'm wondering why that is the preferred sanitation method around here. I've been using it since I found this site and everything is fine, but it seems more expensive to me. I go through at least 6 gallons a month at about $3.30 per gallon. I'm sure I'll be using more during the...
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    How long to run a suction cleaner?

    I just got a Hayward Phoenix 4x suction cleaner, but I have no idea how long to run it for. I have a dedicated side port for it, so do I just leave it in the pool the entire time and take it out when swimming? Or is it a more of a use when needed kind of thing and then store it in the garage...
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    Is it time for a clarifier?

    So for the last few weeks I've had a problem with a lot tiny debris just floating around the surface of my pool. And I can't seem to get rid of it. I've cleaned my filter. I added the right amount of DE. I run it for 8 hours a day. I skim. I brush. I even have a thigh high sock on my skimmer...
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    No algae, but BUGS

    I opened up my skimmer this morning and saw a few tiny worms, a couple of rolly pollies, and a few other little bugs just moving around. Here are my test results from last night: FC 3.6 pH 7.8 TA 100 CH 300 I didn't test CYA because I just refilled my pool on saturday and added CYA sunday...
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    Is this normal?

    So I've noticed a lot of debris floating around with the light on. During the day, the water looks clear. Is this a problem I need to tackle or is this normal? I just cleaned the filter this morning, after doing a drain and refill to deal with high CYA.
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    I will be draining to deal with high CYA, but...

    I'm curious, what do I do once it's been refilled? I'm a newish pool owner and when we finished this pool in August of last year, the contractor took care of the set up for the first month. Do I just go ahead and add my bleach, test, and go from there? Thanks
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    Newish pool owner with a fine dust problem

    We've had our pool (with a new Pentair filter, Pentair VS pump and new plumbing) for about 6 months and in just the last month or so I've noticed a lot of fine dust/dirt on the surface of my pool that I can't get rid of. I backwashed, which didn't help. I cleaned the filter. Still no...