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  1. P

    Anyone heard of Ikeric and Hybrid-Pumps pump makers?

    Anyone ever heard of Ikeric (from Bakersfield, CA) and Hybrid-Pumps LLC (Carlsbad, CA)? They are both on SoCal Edison's qualifying list of energy efficient pump makers but I can't find anything on them and their web sites look questionable (,
  2. P

    Wny I never get to use two B's of the BBB method

    I probably not doing things right :hammer: I’ve been using the BBB method on my 15k gal pool for 10 months now, and all my tests ever tell me is that I need bleach, and about one a week or two muriatic acid to lower the PH. Am using the TF test kit and my average readings are: PH: 7.5 TA...
  3. P

    Recommendations for new energy efficient pump

    Maybe you guys have covered this already in another post, but I want to replace my old pump to take advantage of SCEdison's $200 rebate for more efficient pump. I have 15k pool, solar heated, no spa, full sun all day. What HP do I need but more importantly, WHICH ONE? SCE gave a long list of...
  4. P

    What just happened? Pump running without suctioning

    PLS HELP! My pump/filter was running just fine but when I went to put in my hose to vacuum, and the pressure suddenly dropped to zero and all suctioning from intake just stopped. What just happened?? This is my first time doing this since switching to doing it myself rather than pool guy. All I...
  5. P

    New convert

    Hi all, I'm a new owner of a 15,000 gallon solar heated pool. After reading your posts I've decided to say good bye to the pool man, buy the TF100 kit, stock up with some BBB and am ready to be baptized into the system. Obviously I need help determining what/how much BBB if any I need to add...