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  1. Jumpin' Joan

    Raising CYA with trichlor pucks question...

    With the advent of cooler weather, hail storms and El Nino rains, my CYA has dropped from 50 to 40 and now to 30 (rounded up to the nearest 10ppm) over the last three months. During the last two months, daily chlorine loss ranges from 0 to 1ppm depending on windfall debris and airborne...
  2. Jumpin' Joan

    Pressure gauge question...

    Installed new gel filled pressure gauge (easier to read and shouldn't suffer random freezing temps) today followed by a thorough backwash/rinse to determine base reading. No leaks are visible anywhere but the gauge is wavering between a bit less than 17.5 through 18 psi as opposed to holding...
  3. Jumpin' Joan

    Two things...

    Before relocating posts from one category to another, perhaps it would be worth the time to take a look at the context of the question. For example: I recently had a persistent problem with subtle hazing in my water after a successful ascorbic acid treatment despite passing multiple OCLT tests...
  4. Jumpin' Joan

    How often to backwash/rinse glass filter media...

    Long story short, the sand in my filtering system was recently replaced with recycled/treated glass carrying two key maintenance instructions to comply with the manufacturer's lifetime guarantee: 1) At a minimum, backwash/rinse when originating psi increases by 8-10 psi 2) Monthly use of...
  5. Jumpin' Joan

    Straddling the BBB conversion...

    Fresh water is in the pool after draining and professional muriatic acid cleaning to remove resistant purple haze and be rid of CYA levels exceeding 150 most of the summer. The only difference in protocol was replacing sand with glass media and using their once a month application of Enhance...