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  1. D

    Refresher course

    I am a Baquacil convert and love BBB. I am trying to help my sister with her pool. It is cloudy...I know to continue to shock until it clears my question is ...her ph is we just clear it up first and then work on the ph? Thanks Deb
  2. D

    Winterizing Above Ground Pool question.

    In pool school it says before closing to get your pool to shock level and keep it there for 24 hours. I'm not exactly sure what that means..I know what shock level means...but what does it mean for 24 hours? do I test every few hours and add bleach for 24 hours? Thanks Deb :hammer:
  3. D

    safe to swim in shock?

    I know I have read it before but can't seem to find the info. Is it safe to swim in a pool that is up to shock level. I'm having a problem with over night loss of 3.5 so I am shocking. Pool is in direct sun most of the day. I have a 2 year old Grandson and just want to make sure it is ok to...
  4. D

    cloudy water

    ok this is my first year to actually use BBB. I converted after swim season in the fall. Up until now my water has looked great. Now it is cloudy FC.4.2 CC.0 PH 7.6....thats the hardest for me to read TA 60 CYA50 1.Would the TA being low cause the pool to be cloudy?What should I bring it up...
  5. D

    Hole in liner...

    I noticed the water was low and then I saw a dip at the edge of the liner and sure enough I have a leak. It is about the size of half an eraser head of a pencil. The pool stores are all closed ...what should I do? Should I try to put something over it (a piece of tape or something) until I can...
  6. D

    Fountain questions

    I have an above ground pool. It gets very warm in the hot Alabama summers. My husband made a device last year and it seemed to help. You have to take the eyeball out of the pool and attach it. I was told that was not a good idea....that it may cause my liner to slip and I did notice some slack...
  7. D

    water sample?

    I have a friend who wants me to test her water while she waits on her test kit. How long can you wait from the time you get the sample til you test it? It could be as long as 48 hours. Is that ok? By the way..I converted at the end of the summer. Opened pool a few weeks ago and it is...
  8. D

    Need help opening

    I still feel like a newbie. I seem to have forgotten everything....I just need a recapp please. I've got everything ready to go.Pump is running, vacuumed, tested. FC..0 CC..0 TA..30 PH..7.3-7.4 CYA..0 My question is I take my chlorine up to "shock" level" (little algae not much)...
  9. D

    CA view tube

    Hi..I wasn't sure where to post this question.I need a new CA view tube....thanks to my grandson. I saw everything but it.Can someone tell me if I can order a new one? Thanks, Deb
  10. D

    cartridge filter ??

    Since I have converted to BBB I have noticed that my cartridge filter is much lighter when I take it out to clean it. Is that because the Baqucil had it gunked up and in held water. Has anyone else noticed this?? Thanks, Deb...loving my BBB pool
  11. D

    How to close pool?

    I just finished a conversion to BBB.This question is for a friend who wants to convert when she opens up in the spring. What does she need to do to her pool when she closes this year? Thanks
  12. D

    Starting my conversion...8/21/2009

    Ph 7.4.Pool is green.I should receive my test kit this afternoon and will check tap water then. Calculator says to add 4 gals and 1 here I go .Will take pics and post as soon as I can. I know I will still have lots of questions.Stay close...haha Debbie
  13. D

    When to change?

    I am definitely going to convert from Baqucil to chlorine..just have to decide the best time.Right now my pool is in really bad shape.I can't even see the bottom of the pool. I would really like to get it cleared up before the season ends, but I would have to wait on test kit.Would it be best to...