Water flow problems.


Apr 22, 2024
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Compu Pool CPX / CPSC36
I have an 18000 gal Gunite pool with a Hayward 244 sand filter. one skimmer and one floor drain. With the filter valve in the filter setting everything works great for about an hour, great pressure from the return jets, then I notice a significant reduction in water coming out of the jets. and eventually I will get a no flow indicator light. I have checked for leaks in the suction side of the pump, and doesn't seem to be any (unless in the underground lines), I have replaced the sand in the filter, back washed multiple times, replaced the spider gasket on the filter valve. Checked for lines plugged, pump impeller is clean. I am out on things to try. Here is my only clue though; with the valve in the recirculate mode it runs great, good flow, never drops in pressure. When i switch to filter mode it will run for about an hour before the same problem comes back. The indication seems to be an air leak, except if i had an air leak I would think it would happen in the recirculate mode as well. Any ideas? thank you in advance for sharing your experiences,
Is the pump basket filled with air and loosing its prime? And that is why the water flow is low?

If this is the case, the pump is able to purge the air out faster then it is getting in when the filter is in recirculate. When in filter mode the flow is restricted and the air getting in is not being purged fast enough and eventually the pump looses it's prime.

The other possibility is the water is really dirty and the filter is getting plugged. Is your water cloudy? Are you using the recommended sand? Have to added DE to the filter? Is your water clear?
Everything you are describing is indicative of excessive organics building up. Can you post a full set of water test results?
Where would the organic build up be, I washed out the filter and lateral assembly when I changed sand, the pump basket and everything visible is clean, including the water, the pressure gauge on the filter is normal (I just replaced it last week) All pool chemical, except CYA are within ranges.
The pool system runs great when it is first turned on in the morning, great pressure in the jets, no air bubbles coming out of the jets. However in about one or two hours, the water is restricted coming out of the jets and I will get a no flow indicator light. I have replaced the spider gasket, ( I thought that was the problem) replaced the sand, checked the lateral assembly . Pressure on gauge is normal, no noticeable air leaks. replaced pump/motor o-ring gaskets. All the obvious things, like backwash, chem checks. My suspicions are it is an air leaking somewhere and building up until it eventually creates an air pocket in the filter. Except I am out of ideas what to try. The pump is below the pool grade so it never looses prime.