Let’s see your water after removing winter cover!! *PICS THREAD*

Question: Water looks good, #'s look good, so is a slam necessary when we start up pools on opening?
Nobody knows. But the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test knows. (y)

Never come ask if you have any inkling something is/isn't brewing. Just do. Then come tell us why you're do-ing and we'll high five you and help pass the time until the AM test. Then come tell us about that and we'll either high five you again, or help lay out the new mission. :)
My water temp was 47 when I opened, but 61 two days later. It's easier to open early and manage than it is to fight algae.
For sure, but I open mid may every year with a perfectly clear algae free pool every year. water is always in the 40s or 50s. I think I could open in June with frigid water. lol
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Maybe it's a michigan thing, when I posted I was opening april 24, a couple local people posted that I was crazy to open that early. do we have the worst spring weather??
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Here's our pool on Sunday right after the cover came off. Some leaves and dirt, but overall pretty clear.

View attachment 565077
And here it is after about 1.5 robot cycles to clean things up.

View attachment 565078

Chemistry before any balancing was:

FC: 6.0
CC: 0.0
pH: 7.8
TA: 90
CH: 100
CYA: 50
Salt: 2200
Your numbers are fantastic! Did you close late?
Maybe it's a michigan thing, when I posted I was opening april 24, a couple local people posted that I was crazy to open that early. do we have the worst spring weather??
I’m in Ohio and people say the same to me. Theyre probably thinking it’s crazy because it’s not swimming season yet and the water temps are cold, so why open the pool so early? (I opened March 16th lol). April 24th is a very reasonable opening date. Most wait until May and then close in late august or September. I can’t do it lol
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Looks great!! We have this very small deck that I'm hoping in the next few years we can have extended out to our pool similar to how yours looks. Our pool isn't that far from the house and the current deck, and I want to have the deck "extended" over to it and then have steps going down each side. I have the attachments for the steps to connect to a deck. but our landscaping around the pool isn't leaving much to be desired LOL
We have the exact same plans for our pool and deck! Right now we are just using an A-frame ladder and it stinks lol. Ready to expand our deck to the pool area. It’ll be much safer, too.
I’m in Ohio and people say the same to me. Theyre probably thinking it’s crazy because it’s not swimming season yet and the water temps are cold, so why open the pool so early? (I opened March 16th lol). April 24th is a very reasonable opening date. Most wait until May and then close in late august or September. I can’t do it lol
we open mid may and close mid October. I can't go longer or the leaves take over. we will see how April is.
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we open mid may and close mid October. I can't go longer or the leaves take over. we will see how April is.
Oh man. We had an unseasonably warm winter. When I opened in mid March, the water temperature was 56 degrees. As of right now, the water temp is 65 (it’s been 75-80 degrees outside and lots of sun for almost a week now!)
If I waited until mid-May, I’d be SLAMming my life away, lol! We closed November 1st. Dealing with the leaves was not fun at all but the leaf net helped a lot
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We have the exact same plans for our pool and deck! Right now we are just using an A-frame ladder and it stinks lol. Ready to expand our deck to the pool area. It’ll be much safer, too.
That's exactly how we feel. This year I am planning to put on some much sturdier bolts for the ladder as the ones they gave us are worn from taking them out to move the ladder out of the pool. And I really just want to be able to keep the steps themselves inside the pool and just remove the railings every winter to cover it... It's a hassle to constantly remove the ladder every year lol. Plus it will look a LOT nicer!
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I've been waiting weeks to post on this thread :) I was a bit worried since I've been pumping cover water in for a few months to dilute my calcium levels. Outside of a few worms it looks great, although hard to tell from the pics. Water temp is 46 degrees.

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I've been waiting weeks to post on this thread :) I was a bit worried since I've been pumping cover water in for a few months to dilute my calcium levels. Outside of a few worms it looks great, although hard to tell from the pics. Water temp is 56 degrees.

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Looks great!! My water was also 56 degrees when I opened exactly one month ago lol. Thank you for sharing on my thread! ☺️ I love seeing all these pics!
I'm going to pull the cover this weekend. I'm behind in opening when I usually open first week of April. I've been working full time, I'm trying to run a new candle business full time and I just don't have enough of this "time thing" in my day to do everything I need to do. I'm ready though. Tired of looking at the cover. I think it's on the verge of turning green though.
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Opened last weekend during the warm weather. Other than the cover coming off in winter and allowing some leaves in, I’m satisfied with how clear it is. Cold weather for the next week now so I’ll wait to vacuum until later.
your cover came off and that's what your pool looks like? My cover came off a little and a bunch of cover water got in. I'm anticipating a green opening!! lol

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