I must make a confession
Looking back at my logs
My last purge was a year ago- March 2023- there was no detritus.
The previous purge was 9 months prior- no detritus.
I started using Aqua Clarity in August 2021.
All of my purges since have been clean as a whistle. Generally I go 6 months between.
This year has been a roller coaster of traveling for me so my tub hasn’t seen as much use as normal.
Even pushing a year now I haven’t noticed anything being off. No smells, no cc’s, clarity is great.
That said, I do have a small tub (200 gal) so it suffers from quite a bit of splashout. Water carried out in bathing suits. Especially if my hubby or son uses the tub as they wear trunks.
I believe when I add water its usually about 20 gallons or so (so 10% of my volume). Some of the water loss is also evaporation so its not exactly a 10% exchange or I would eventually have no salt which has not been the case. My swcg is still quite happy although it does have a large acceptable salinity range.
This topping off occurs every couple weeks so that probably helps dilute my tds a bit.
*I also have a swcg feeding my tub fc all the time on top of my manual dosing with use so there are Zero periods when my fc falls below minimum for my cya.
I really don’t recommend waiting a year to purge/drain/refill even with the best sanitation but sometimes life gets in the way. It’s nice to know that my swcg & Aqua clarity have my back if I fall off schedule.
*I will be completing this task during spring break next week.
I will update if anything funky happens