Recent content by Umpmanjoe

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  2. U

    Vac line question

    I have a vac line in the side of my pool that I no longer use because I have a robot now. Does anyone know of an adapter or something that I can screw into it to make it a side wall drain/suction line that is similar to a drain cover? Basically a cap that has lots of holes so that no one gets...
  3. U

    Which product should I get??

    The active 30i will be good. Personally, I think the cart is necessary for storage. The unit itself is light, but the cart keeps the cord wrapped nicely, the power unit off the floor and the tracks from sitting on ground and not getting crushed.
  4. U

    Triton Plus with Power Stream vs. Dolphin Echo

    Yes. The a30i and s300i are the same unit, just different colors. The s series is sold by brick and mortar pool stores and the active series is primarily sold by pool companies. Marina is a huge dealer and repair center so they sell both. There are a lot of people on this forum who have...
  5. U

    Triton Plus with Power Stream vs. Dolphin Echo

    I hope I helped. If you can get a refund, give Marina a call. The a30i is a step over the triton plus and it comes with a caddy and better warranty.
  6. U

    Triton Plus with Power Stream vs. Dolphin Echo

    The quantum is the same unit as the S300, Active 30 or 2017 Triton Plus with power stream. They all have the same exact pump. Difference is colors and a couple of feature (triton plus doesn't come with caddy). The quantum is branded for a private company, the Triton plus is for internet...
  7. U

    Maytronics 99996403-PZ Dolphin Nautilus Plus Robotic Pool Cleaner with Pro Caddy HELP

    Pools generally get scum across the waterline, so most people use a pad to brush that and a pool brush on the walls. The robot takes care of the walls and only some do the waterline. IMHO is a waterline feature worth $400, NO, but is it and the other features worth $130, YES, especially...
  8. U

    Just received my Nautilus; to leave it in or take it out?

    My personal opinion is to remove it each day and rinse out filters every 2 to 3 uses minimum (i do mine every other day). I did extensive research before investing in the Oasis z5. Most of the pool shops (other than Leslie's) and pool cleaning companies by me advise against them because they...
  9. U

    Dolphin Z5 Questions

    It's a coincidence when it returns to the starting position. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. I spoke with maytronics and they said none of their robots have a memory. They learn the pool for that clean cycle only to know what's been covered and the best path to take when cleaning...
  10. U

    Convince me a robot is better...

    It has nothing to do with what brand suction cleaner. All suction cleaners would have left it like that. Suction cleaners only get what's settled on the floor and push it through the main pool filter. Dolphin Robot cleaners separately filter between 3700 and 4500 gallons per hour through their...
  11. U

    Convince me a robot is better...

    I don't own the s300, but my local store demos them but not with the fine filters. I used that to see how it compares to my Oasis z5. I was pretty impressed considering they weren't the fine filter and it doesn't move as much water as mine. I did finish it off with my Oasis and fine filters...
  12. U

    Convince me a robot is better...

    Here is a good example of what a robot can do compared to a suction cleaner. The other day I pressure washed my pool deck and a lot of the dirt got in the pool. I ran my suction cleaner (mx8) for 3 hours then put in a demo unit of the s300 with the screen filter (not the fine one). I used a...
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