Recent content by sheeshoo2

  1. S

    Need to Replace Glass Mosaic Waterline Tile Due to Cracking

    To make a long story short, we finished building our pool in August of 2016 and decided to go with Vibrance glass tile as our waterline tile (from Classic Pool Tile). Sadly due to a number of different factors, the glass started fracturing about two years in and now almost 4 years after...
  2. S

    Thoughts on dark colored grout for 1x1 waterline tile?

    Thanks so much! I'm jealous of your black onyx pebblesheen --- I *really* love the black pebble options, but I'm too nervous to take the plunge!!!
  3. S

    Thoughts on dark colored grout for 1x1 waterline tile?

    We are in the process of building a pool and have had our heart set on white 1x1 waterline tile with dark brown grout, primarily because I am in love with these photos in PebbleTec's gallery. Has anyone here done anything similar in regards to tile? I'm mildly concerned about ease of cleaning...
  4. Waterline Tile 3.jpg

    Waterline Tile 3.jpg

  5. Waterline Tile 2.jpg

    Waterline Tile 2.jpg

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    Waterline Tile.jpg