Recent content by seannieboy71

  1. S

    Added 6.5 gallons of bleach (8.25%) and FC still at 0.5

    Great to see their are others in Tucson on this forum. Thanks for the response. Here are the test results (from the pool store). FC= 0.05, TC = 0.27, CC = 0.22, pH = 7.4, TA = 148, CH = 196, CYA = 30, Copper = 0, Iron = 0, Dissolved Solids = 2200, Phosphates = 0, Salt = 3400. I have ordered...
  2. S

    Added 6.5 gallons of bleach (8.25%) and FC still at 0.5

    I am new to pool ownership. Our pool was doing well (according to the pool store) and then it turned cloudy and the liner felt slightly slimy. We started reading TFP and bought a Taylor K-2005 (wrong kit unfortunately) and started adding bleach to raise our FC. I added it slowly (1 gallon...
  3. S

    Hello from Tucson, AZ

    I am new to pool ownership. We put up an intex 16x32 foot above ground pool this summer. A friend referred us to TFP and we are trying to figure out how to maintain our pool. I am grateful to find this site. Seannieboy71