Recent content by schmory@

  1. S

    Need testing help AKA clueless new pool owner

    I tested the tap CH and came up with 180, so the pool is really off. I guess I know what I need to do. Thanks for all the help!
  2. S

    Need testing help AKA clueless new pool owner

    I entered my pool info in my signature, then must have forget to SAVE it! Hopefully it is fixed now. Just in case it is a 26,000 IG Plaster in Los Angeles. I tried doing the 1/2 pool 1/2 tap water trick, and the CYA still wasn't calculate-able. I recognize that some large portion of water...
  3. S

    Need testing help AKA clueless new pool owner

    Three months into being the concerned owner of a sometimes lovely pool I decided that I did not like blindly doing/buying what the guy at the pool store told/sold me to. So after spending many hours here stalking you fine folks, I made the move and ordered the Taylor K-2006. Below are my...