Recent content by RoyT

  1. R

    Question on Robot cleaner

    Hi Tim5055, Thanks to you and others who answered my question. I don't know what we who aren't too up on pools would do without help from people like you. Thanks again, RoyT
  2. R

    Question on Robot cleaner

    Hi everybody, I have a Hayward Robotic Cleaner. I've read that you aren't supposed to be in the pool while it is running. I would think it would be alright since it's run off a transformer and has the right plug in that will cut off electricity if it senses water. Thanks to anyone who answers. RoyT
  3. R

    Green pool

    Hi, kiss4afrog, graler and Smykowski, Thanks for answering my post. I know your advice is probably good but I'm a 88 year old retiree living on a fixed income and I would not be able to afford the test kit and a lot of chemicals. Maybe before next spring I'll be able to do something. Thanks...
  4. R

    Green pool

    Hi, I have a green pool like a lot of other people on this forum. This morning when I checked it the cholrine was high, the PH was ok, and CYA was ok. What do I need to do now? Also I have a question. What is the differance between Cholrine and free cholrine? And PH and total alkalinity. Thank...