Recent content by rickraglow

  1. rickraglow

    Pentair "Clear-pro Technology", Sand Filter

    my Tagalus Clear Pro still going strong and working great into 9th year- just changed the sand
  2. rickraglow

    Pentair Intellichlor IC40?

    thanks- great advice. i’m assuming 60K unit for 24K pool works less/lasts longer? Seems like overkill at first glance
  3. rickraglow

    Pentair Intellichlor IC40?

    No automation system and not sure i can afford it. Pentair Superflo 1 hp, Kansas City area. Currently Pentair Tagelus sand filter - considering replacement with a cartridge filter. thanks!
  4. rickraglow

    Pentair Intellichlor IC40?

    24K gallon, vinyl liner. Chlorine for last 22 years and now want to go “salt”. I’ve had good experience with all Pentair products so i’m considering the Intellichlor IC40. Any thoughts? thanks- great forum!
  5. rickraglow

    back-up power

    THANKS - just specifically for the pump
  6. rickraglow

    back-up power

    thanks Jim, 120V. I'm running it during the winter as my wife swims each day in the (ice cold) water. So, if I have a power outage and no anti-freeze I'm worried about a pipe freeze w/o the moving water. I'm in KC area and we have periodic ice storms/wind that causes power outages.
  7. rickraglow

    back-up power

    Hello, I have a Pentair SuperFlo 1HP SF-N1-1A (340038). I keep it running 24X7. I'm looking to get a generator in case I have a power failure. What Specs (How powerful) does the generator need to be to power that pump? Thanks,