Recent content by reluctantchemist

  1. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Thanks for your condolences :lol: I just sent the hubby out for a filter sock to see if that may help clear things up. Not losing much FC overnight, CC has been around 1, maybe particulate matter is too fine for the sand to filter. Worth a try. I guess I'm not really ready to give up the ghost...
  2. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Well Pool Mavens, I give up :cry: I fought the pool and the pool won. After 4 weeks of religously testing and dumping in chlorine to keep the FC at 15, I still have light teal water that I can't see the Aqua Critter in. With all the heavy rain we've had the temp has dropped to 67, so one would...
  3. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Had a few bogus readings doing them in the bathroom. Obviously natural light is better. Someone suggested keeping the sun at my back, I'll try anything at this point. Got power, got a creepy crawly thing to vacuum daily, got 24 hrs with no rain, hopefully tomorrow will be the beginning of the...
  4. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Update: ARRGgggHhhhh!!! I give up. Mother Nature hates me. It's been disgustingly humid and we've had heavy downpours at least once a day for the past 4 days. Had to raise the level on Friday, then backwash it back out on Saturday, Sunday, & Monday. Filter outlet shorted out and had to have the...
  5. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    I imagine our drop is due to addition of rainwater, vacuuming to waste, though only once in the past 2 weeks, and having to add water due to evaporation. So correct me if I'm wrong, once CYA reaches whatever level, it shouldn't vary too much. It's such a subjective test, I always think my eyes...
  6. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Hey Suziqzer, Using same 182oz bottles of Chlorox from BJs as I've been using since starting BBB on 7/23. This mornings readings, FC=15, CC=1.5 (yeah, at least it's below 2-3!!), pH 7.6, CYA=20. How low do you think I should let the CYA get before adding? I guess I don't want it too much higher...
  7. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Certainly is possible, I was in a hurry. I'm usually afraid of putting in too that possible? Anyway, maybe the geen meanies will fry with an FC that relation to a rather low CYA of 25...yesterday was the last time I checked it. Tomorrow morning's reading should be...
  8. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Just rechecked, FC is still 20. Curious :?:
  9. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    That's what I added. I suppose I could have counted wrong, but I doubt 10 drops wrong. I'm going to go out and check it again. So far the FC has risen almost excactly what the Calculator has indicated every time.
  10. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    FC=13 this morning, added the prescribed amount of chlorine to get it back up to 15, as I had to work until 6pm :cry: . FC=8.5 at 6:15, again added chlorine to get it back up to 15. Checked it at 9:30pm and it had risen to 20! I'm not concerned, still trying to kill off the little green buggers...
  11. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Don't have a real before picture, could only provide what it looks like right now, neither swampy nor sparkling. Just cloudy, which everyone seems to have encountered at some point...or we wouldn't be here :roll: Hopefully will figure out how to send a photo by the time we have sparkleage :-D
  12. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Thanks, your midway position of the return sounds more reasonable to me. To shallow and the stuff below wouldn't be affected. Just added more chlorine as FC dropped 1.5ppm in 2 hrs. I'll add more before I leave the house to get FC up higher than the 14-15 suggested, hopefully it won't drop too...
  13. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Frustrating Update - Have been faithfully testing and adding as indicated. Still have high CC levels. Husband vacuumed to waste Sunday, caused a filter malfunction which didn't get resolved until Monday afternoon. Here are this mornings readings: FC = 14.5 CC = 3 pH = 7.5 TA = 130 CH = 170 CYA =...
  14. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Thanks Sportsman! I'm trying. Got more stuff out this afternoon. I've been checking CYA every time I check FC, so I just ordered more CYA reagent. :? For the most part CYA has been between 25-35, I guess depending on my eyeballs. It hasn't been a week since it all dissolved. I continue...
  15. R

    Tired of not using the pool

    Still battling. Having a hard time getting the menfolk to brush & vacuum on a daily basis. Why don't I do it you ask? I'm 4'9" and the water comes to just below my neck, it's difficult. Besides this is a "family pool", everyone should help. I digress...Vacuumed & brushed yesterday, added...