Recent content by randjybarra

  1. randjybarra

    How to repair leaky old pipe under skimmer

    We actually succeeded in fixing it yesterday. We both put our heads together and came up with a solution. We found a spare piece of pipe that we already had that fit into the drain pipe where it attaches to the skimmer PERFECTLY (it was one that came with an ikea sink that we couldn't use...
  2. randjybarra

    How to repair leaky old pipe under skimmer

    I'm really not sure as this was done before we bought the house and it's really hard to tell. - - - Updated - - - WE are going to try to repair it. Any suggestions would be helpful. Yesterday my husband tried using Marine Epoxy and just made a huge mess that still leaked. Today we are going...
  3. randjybarra

    How to repair leaky old pipe under skimmer

    I don't think plugging will work. What is happening is as we fill our pool and the water gets to where the crack is it just flows out of the crack and has formed a big hole under the skimmer and is now running into the yard and making a huge muddy mess. Any water that does make it into the...
  4. skimmer 2.jpg

    skimmer 2.jpg

  5. skimmer 1.jpg

    skimmer 1.jpg

  6. randjybarra

    How to repair leaky old pipe under skimmer

    We bought this house a year ago and it has a "vintage" Anthony Pools inground pool. Like most things in this house, it is still circa 1962 originality except where things needed replaced. It was a rental for years before we bought it so everything was done cheaply via handyman, including the...