Recent content by prudence9

  1. P

    Palm tree berries in swimming pool?

    I don't have a good test kit right now. Our pool storage unit was trashed and the contents flooded and/or blown who knows where. The strips were inside, so they were intact. The pool supply store was open and able to run a water analysis for me, but was sold out of almost everything. It...
  2. P

    Palm tree berries in swimming pool?

    Thanks. Someone on another forum suggested that so I've been dumping more shock into the pool and brushing down the sides. Should I be considering algacide? I'm not chemical averse, I just don't want to damage the plaster, and I need to be able to see the sides and bottom better to assess...
  3. P

    Palm tree berries in swimming pool?

    I'm in the Houston area, and we're starting to try to get back to normal after Hurricane Ike. We had about a million palm tree berries blown into our pool thanks to our three palm trees that didn't even have the courtesy to be blown down (I hate them, but don't want to pay for tree removal). I...