Recent content by PrincessTiefling

  1. P

    My intex easy set sprung a few leaks!!!

    frogabog, thanks huge help! Oh by the way.. I love your siggy. Makes me smile everytime! :)
  2. P

    My intex easy set sprung a few leaks!!!

    Now what.. can we just get a patch kit to last the rest of the summer? we cant get out big pool back up to being in a drought .. it only needs to last till labor day for DD's birthday .. what do we do!
  3. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    I talked to DH more tonight, we are going to level what we can tomorrow, mostly dig down what is taller and see if that will be a fix for the rest of this year :) And yea it stays warm here through august, but right now we are only in the low 70's so the water is uber cold even with the solar...
  4. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    DH is talking about leveling this weekend when hes home. Hoping it works the easy set is good for the kids.. Not so much for the whole family. I am just thinking we should start and just re do the pool next year since there is really only a few more good swiming weeks left
  5. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    Thanks all for your help. . :) What I ended up doing was getting out the old 12 X2 and siphoning the water from the big pool to the smaller one on a more level area.. I just dont have the flat area here for the big one. Im going to take down the big one and get someone to come level and do a...
  6. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    I hate to sound like a dork, but is there anyway to straighten the legs as is? It takes 2 weeks to fill, because we are always in fear of draining our well..
  7. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    Oh, I should add, we live in Spokane washington.. so there is no doubt it has to come down lol. Stays below freezing for months... what I really want one day is an in ground with an aqua shield or somethin so it can be used all year long :)
  8. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    As you can see its leaning! But we are hoping it will be ok for the rest of the summer. I want to move it next summer into what used to be the dog run, but the problem is there that power lines come into the house on that side and DH worries about shock from any splash, does anyone know if that...
  9. P

    Getting the pool up late this year But... here we go :)

    It is filling as I type. It always takes a while because we have NO water pressure on our well. Now to my question. I want to do SOMETHING around it.. some sort of landscaping or something. Its so Blah right now! It is an intex, 15 X48, I am hoping to upgrade next year so I will be needing...