Recent content by neil.corrigan12

  1. N

    Pool Cleaner Suggestion

    If you have a budget invest on a robotic pool cleaner because it is very convenient. There are so many robotic pool cleaners in the market that are easy to use depending on your budget. Anywayer, we are using Aquabot APRVJR Pool Rover and so far so good. This is actually a 2 hour automatic...
  2. N

    Total Solar Eclipse 2017

    I also try Googling solar eclipse this coming August 2017. I found very cool insights so far and I'm sure a lot of people will be excited to see this and I am one of them. It will be very one of the good show for that day.
  3. N

    New to pool plumbing and chemistry

    You just wasted your money with those companies pretending to know what their doing. With this age of information you can get you can do it your self. Not only you save money you also learn new stuff and know how to maintain the pool.
  4. N

    can muriatic acid and baking soda be added to pool at the same time?

    Muriatic acid lowers the total alkalinity of pool. Make sure to dilute muriatic acid by adding the acid to the water. Am not sure, if Baking Soda can be added at same time as it will increase alkalinity.
  5. N

    What did you do to your pool today?

    I took the cover off so the kids could swim. I thought about checking the chlorine but it's crystal clear so, I am going to train myself to start checking every other day.. starting today.
  6. N

    What's The Most Helpful Advice You've Gotten From TFP?

    Now I MUST have a piece of old fire hose. Why didn't I think about that, and how did I miss this?
  7. N

    Why Vacuum?

    Well, it's better to have a vacuum so if incase you need it, you have something handy. You'll never know what problems you might have on your pool!
  8. N

    Does anyone know what this is?

    Looks like some clear plastic or oil. Perhaps it may have really been because of sunscreen. I remember my friend having the same prob with her pool.
  9. N

    Milky white pool water

    My pools has become milky as well. I just bought my test kit now and hopefully I won't have to spend a lot for my pool's maintenance. I've got to try your suggestions guys.
  10. N

    Maple syrup smoked porkbelly and beef tenderloin sliders

    Looks delicious! I'm craving now and I should set a grill tonight. Can you share your recipe? I'm trying to search for different recipes to try!
  11. N

    Rocks/stone around perimeter of pool

    Yes! Putting some stones in the perimeter of your pool will make it more wonderful! Make sure those are big rocks you are going to use to avoid getting them into the pool!
  12. N

    Pool remodel has begun - Progress Pics

    Wow! Your pool really needs remodeling! Where are the other updated pictures? I am also planning to remodel mine. Hopefully, soon! lol
  13. N

    Dolphin Premier Robotic Pool Cleaner

    I bought this unit and it does a good job if you live with no trees around. There is not enough space for the bag and it's a pain trying to install it. A few leaves will soon plug up the small hole and you will have to stop and remove them if you want to continue cleaning the pool.
  14. N

    Ducks in pool

    You can put some inflatable pool toys! I've got a crocodile pool toy. Remember that not all toy will do the effect, always choose the scarier and bigger one!
  15. N

    Above Ground Plumbing Advice

    Fantastic advice.I suggest you visit and seek good services. Plumbing Services Adelaide