Recent content by mitchman333

  1. mitchman333

    AutoPilot SC-36 Pump replacement question

    Amazing feedback as always and fast...! Best forum out there... OK, I'll have to wait for model numbers/pump pics (it's buried under a ton of snow). :) But really high level - I high 19,000 gal, vinyl pool with 1hp Hayward Pump, Autopilot SC-36 as Timer and SWG. I've always been...
  2. mitchman333

    AutoPilot SC-36 Pump replacement question

    Hello I have a Autopilot SC-36 unit that is connected to a 1hp pool pump, which I think has been under sized from the beginning. I'd like to upgrade my pool pump to something newer (many rebates abvaialble), and many newer pumps are listed as "Variable Speed" - can I use this type of pump with...
  3. mitchman333

    Just replaced SC-36 cell & cable, still get "Check/Clean" er

    Re: Just replaced SC-36 cell & cable, still get "Check/Clean Poolsean Thank you for your help on this.. My pool is outdoor pool, and I have brought my salt to 3,000 ppm.. my most current numbers.. FC = 1 CYA = 50 Alk = 100 Calc = 240 Salt = 3,000 ppm Temp = 78 pH = 7.4 SC-36 software ver...
  4. mitchman333

    Just replaced SC-36 cell & cable, still get "Check/Clean" er

    Re: Just replaced SC-36 cell & cable, still get "Check/Clean Great question on the salt reading, the Autopilot was reading 3900 ppm, so I decided to have it tested 2 additional times and the lab readings were in the 2600-2700 ppm range. So for the posting I opted for the 2600 reading. As for...
  5. mitchman333

    Just replaced SC-36 cell & cable, still get "Check/Clean" er

    OK - I have tried to do my homework prior to this posting... this forum has taught me so much over the years, I'm going to the well once again... I have an Autopilot SC-36 that is 5 yrs old, after receiving numerous "Check/Clean Cell" messages late last year, I decided to replace the Salt...
  6. mitchman333

    Poolside music variety

    Best of luck with your receiver setup - I've got a sweet "whole house audio" system I've been using for about 4 years ( now - and it earns it's money come Summer time, poolside - 6 zones/8 sources to dial into... all low voltage wiring - it's a huge hit with the...
  7. mitchman333

    Filter pressure keeps rising (even after cleaning)

    Bingo - took a couple of cartridges (2 out of 4) out of the Filter and the pressure has stayed consistent. Time to buy some replacement filters. :( Didn't even last 3 pool seasons. Thanks for the help on this board - awesome. -- Mitchman
  8. mitchman333

    Filter pressure keeps rising (even after cleaning)

    Fantastic feedback - thank you so much. I will try the "no cartridge test" for a pressure test and in the future I will not buy that Cartridge cleaning cr*p, but rather try the solution mentioned earlier in the post. Really appreciate the quick turn around - very active message board...
  9. mitchman333

    Filter pressure keeps rising (even after cleaning)

    I am hoping someone in the forum can give me some trouble shooting tips. So far this year has been great for water chemistry and overall maintenance, I have a salt-Chlorinator, with a Cartridge filter system. I notice the pressure has been consistently rising to ~20 p.s.i during normal...