Recent content by Metalmushpuff

  1. Metalmushpuff

    Substance in SWCG

    When we first opened it up, it was like a flat sheet over the whole grid. I've managed to clean it off enough that I thought it would improve flow. I wish I had taken a picture of the before and after but I didn't have my phone on me. The salt reading is still low after being cleaned, which is...
  2. Metalmushpuff

    Substance in SWCG

    We have solar panels, but no other heater. I just cleaned the filter on Monday and it was fine, no noticeable damage.
  3. Metalmushpuff

    Substance in SWCG

    I have a Hayward T-15 that's about 8 months old. Check cell light came on for the 1st time, so we pulled it out to check it. On the side where the water enters the cell there was what looked to be a piece of paper sitting on top of the grid. It was hard and stuck to the grid. It only appears on...
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  5. Metalmushpuff

    TFP for College Savings (529 plans)

    Is the custodial account a UGMA/UTMA? I assume so, since you said the funds transfer to them at 18. That does impact how you transfer them to a 529. UTMAs are irrevocable gifts, so the funds belong to child already and will have to stay as such. is a good resource for...
  6. Metalmushpuff

    4 months in, very unhappy - help me learn?

    I have nothing to add, but just wanted to commiserate. Our builder was also less than helpful at startup (I didn’t even know I was supposed to be brushing). My daughter had just broken her arm at school the day the pool was filled, so I was preoccupied and it didn’t even occur to me that we...
  7. Metalmushpuff

    We Have a Winner! TFP Pool of the Month (June 2023); Theme - Water Clarity

    Love seeing all these crystal clear pools 😍!!
  8. Metalmushpuff

    Bugs in water. What are they? What do I do?

    Google Thrips and springtails. I had a battle with Thrips earlier this year. They were like yellow moving dots all over the pool, too small for even the ultra fine net. They left after a few weeks. Springtails are different I think, but also a pool nuisance.
  9. Metalmushpuff

    Uninvited Pool Guest 😱

    That is what I was leaning towards but wanted some confirmation that it wasn’t a venomous breed. Thank you!!
  10. Metalmushpuff

    Uninvited Pool Guest 😱

    I was taking a stroll around the pool before going in when I spotted this unwelcome visitor. Any snake experts that can help me identify? I'm in eastern north/central Florida. This dude was about 6-8 inches long.
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  12. Metalmushpuff

    Small hole in finish

    Thank you. I don’t actually know how deep it is. They’ve already been out once to look at some other areas that I opted not to fix because they were deemed cosmetic and I was concerned they would be more noticeable after the repair. I am pretty confident I can get them out here again, I just...
  13. Metalmushpuff

    Small hole in finish

    We have Wet Edge Signature Matrix pebble finish, completed in December 2022. Yesterday, I happened to lean against a wall in the deep end and felt a rough spot. I put on some goggles and went underwater to look at the area. This is when I noticed what appears to be a small hole in the finish. It...
  14. Metalmushpuff

    I knew I was Pool Stored when...

    I was lucky to find TFP fairly early on. I became suspicious of the pool store on our second trip, when the brand new employee behind the counter had to keep redoing the test because he was clueless. After that, we took a sample across the street to other pool store, where we were given wildly...
  15. Metalmushpuff

    Hayward Aqua Plus Clicking salt cell

    I’m no expert, but my understanding was that the cell switches between positive and negative on its own. I believe I read that in the manual for the cell, but I am not positive.