Mattikuss's latest activity

  • Mattikuss
    There’s bacteria that will convert CYA to other compounds for energy and not always convert it to ammonia. But it’s more than likely...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to newdude's post in the thread Degradation of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) with Like Like.
    Already Marty'd ya. ;)
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to HermanTX's post in the thread Degradation of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) with Like Like.
    Do you mix the water before taking a sample? Rain water on top can be zero CYA while the pool water you started with may have some CYA...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to newdude's post in the thread Degradation of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) with Like Like.
    You lose a few ppm per month to degradation. It's not noticeable during the season but adds up when you walk away from the pool for 6...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    No way! Mine does not say the last part. THANK you
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    Are there two different tests in the TF-Pro test kit? I’m just going by the reagents and the laminated sheet. It says 25mL pool water...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to mknauss's post in the thread pH test help with Like Like.
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to sande005's post in the thread pH test help with Like Like.
    I think it has more to do with the removal of CO2 (ie Carbonic Acid), which thereby increases pH, rather than messing with the water...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    Awesome! I’ll try to dig it up. I love this community. So helpful.
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to sande005's post in the thread pH test help with Like Like.
    Definitely test your tap water. I remember Rochester having water back in the day (long time ago) that needed a LOT of treatment. So...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss reacted to kul's post in the thread pH test help with Like Like.
    You can trust the pool math app for acid dosing recommendations as long as you have it set up with the correct number of gallons for...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    ***H+ not -OH
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    Wow, this is fantastic. So aerating essentially adds O2 to the -OH molecules thereby neutralizing the acidity and raising pH. Makes...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    No, I have not, we have used the pool 8 of the last 9 days and I haven’t added any water. I’m guessing that it won’t have a massive...
  • Mattikuss
    Mattikuss replied to the thread pH test help.
    Okay, so by lowering pH with MA (according to pool math I need 51 oz at 29%) I am simultaneously lowering TA. Got it. What l don’t get...