Recent content by Malynda

  1. M

    Algea shooting right back into pool

    I went from pea soup green to just green on the bottom of the pool. When vacuuming it is not filtering the algae out at all. We just replaced the sand a couple of months ago and are back washing like crazy. Any suggestions? TIA
  2. M

    About to give up

    Fighting the urge to go buy Floc. It's hard to get the pool store way of thinking out of my head.
  3. M

    About to give up

    This morning So far I've used 16 gallons of 10% bleach.
  4. M

    About to give up

    Hope that pic worked. Possibly another dumb question... Test kit only measures chlorine up to 5 how do I know if it's 16?
  5. M

    About to give up

    I can't see it on my phone but can on my PC. Maybe I posted it wrong? Husband is wanting to pour the bleach in skimmer- I told him no. Does that matter?
  6. M

    About to give up

    Thank you for the encouragement! Thought I'd post a before pic.
  7. M

    About to give up

    I needed to take out my comma
  8. M

    About to give up

    Thank you IDK what I'm doing wrong, feeling dumb again :hammer:
  9. M

    About to give up

    Looks like 0 chlorine at this point and shock value looks like 16. I'm reading through pool school and don't know where I'm getting so lost at. The pool calculator doesn't seem to be working. Says add 1.9oz of 6% bleach?
  10. M

    About to give up

    Thank you! Should I turn it back to filter or leave on recirculate?
  11. M

    About to give up

    1.75 of CYA on Friday but how do I determine what the number should be?
  12. M

    About to give up

    Cya test didn't get cloudy at all? No chlorine (2 tablets constantly in basket just used 2 bottles of shock Friday) ph 8.2 alkalinity took 13 drops so 130? Even with 16 drops the hardness never changed back to blue- stayed the same purple color it started out.
  13. M

    About to give up

    Thank you! I'm sure I seem pretty dumb at this point.