Recent content by lucimireles6

  1. L

    pH keeps going up

    I turned the pump off this morning. The FC dropped to 11.5. Is that typical? That seems like a huge drop. The surface of the pool is pretty warm since the water wasn't circulating. Should I leave it running and turn the filter off?
  2. L

    pH keeps going up

    I will do that. Thanks!
  3. L

    pH keeps going up

    I will! Thanks for all your suggestions
  4. L

    pH keeps going up

    Additional question: my pool is in direct sunlight all the time, so should I aim for a higher level of CYA? I read elsewhere that 60-70 might be better, even for a pool without a SWG
  5. L

    pH keeps going up

    Oh wow. Thanks! I can't believe I forgot that.
  6. L

    pH keeps going up

    Hi all! I recently finished SLAMing the pool, but my pH keeps going up quite high every day. I read on TFP that it's due to the high TA. I started with TA 300 a few weeks ago, and now I'm down to 200. What level should I aim for? I've got a tiny AG pool - 5300 gal I had a pH of 8+ day...
  7. L

    Sand filter pressure issues

    Update: Hi everyone! I seem to have solved all filter problems. It was just REALLY disgusting and filthy, and it was working overtime to clean up the pool. After a thorough deep-cleaning (thanks for the how-to link, JohnT :D), it started working MUCH better. I had to backwash frequently during...
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  10. 3-26-2015.2.jpg


  11. L

    Sand filter pressure issues

    Ugh actually it appears that what I thought was a reply was quoting whoever I highlighted. Bummer. I'll get the hang of it. That's awesome! I'm going to do the pantyhose thing tomorrow while we're home all day.
  12. L

    Sand filter pressure issues

    Had to order a proper vacuum from Amazon, but I did a lot of net scooping today. I have to add CYA (tonight) and metal sequestrant before beginning SLAM (hopefully tomorrow if my numbers look better). We have a ton of metal in our well water and had major issues last summer every time we put...
  13. L

    Sand filter pressure issues

    That is horrifying. Ugh. I hope their dog doesn't get sick. I had worms coming out last week, and I dumped my net over the fence into the woods so my dogs wouldn't go near it. Yuck
  14. L

    Sand filter pressure issues

    It depends on your filter. I just had to remove a collar with two bolts and pull up. Yours may need a particular wrench, but I only needed a screwdriver. Do you have the manual for your pump? You could try googling for the pdf also. Still figuring this out, but on my app, I can select a...