Recent content by Linn

  1. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Hi ! Finally I'm back here with a few things I wrote down for others who may be considering arranging something like this. It's been a fe very busy weeks, now I finally got the time. Post prom pool party – lessons learned and practical hints Security is most vital in order for an event like...
  2. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Well I guess the next one will be next year.... it may become an annual event for some time, with all the kids in our house now ! Though we may perhaps circulate it around. We had a little BBQ get together with the parents that helped out this weekend and discussed lessons learned and plans for...
  3. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    I took a few Pictures, but not many, I was just too busy. But I can't post any of them though. At a meeting before the event some parents were concerned that some pictures could get embarassing or so. If their dresses got wet, some could turn a bit transparant or get too clingy. So it was...
  4. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Thanks ! Yeah, we all had a good time and the kids loved it. Groups of them have been comingback here to chat a bit, some to pick up stuff that they'd lost during the party. My feet got a bit sore from wearing high heels all night long, but it was even tougher for the kids when it comes to that...
  5. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    The day after ? As I guessed it took me more than one day to recover after this. Though everything went quite well I was totally exhausted afterwards. Like TOTALLY ! I was up and running for more than 24 hours straight and was busy fixing this or that before and during the event, and then busy...
  6. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Re: CYA in indoor pool You mean to make it fit better ? LOL, no these dresses are not my old prom dresses, they wouldn't fit whatever I did to them ! :( These are more recent dresses that I've worn to different formal occasions. They all fit me ok, luckily I've not gained any weight the last...
  7. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Hi ! Yes we do have a hook, but not the kind of rings you see at public pools, just the inflatable rings that the kids use. But since our pool is not that deep it's quite safe as far as lifesaving goes - at least most of the guys will be able to stand in it. as for the drain. I'm not quite...
  8. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    It's getting close.... but ost things are under control I think. I was thinking of the test I made wth the different strips of material. Only the black velvet one dyed off, but it did it pretty heavily. Now, such dye, is that a problem to the pool ? Or will the dilution be such that it's not...
  9. L

    What's causing this voltage

    The incomplete bonding should definitely be fixed, but the low voltage recorded is so low that it's not a problem. It's most likely caused by ground currents (could be yours or from other houses around you). At that level it is not a problem.
  10. L

    Pressure Gauge Stuck at 20

    I'm not sure what the original one was - it was filled with a liquid, but I don't know whether that could have been glycerine or if it was just pool water that had leaked through. The others have been standard air ones.
  11. L

    Pressure Gauge Stuck at 20

    The pressure gauges seem to be the item that breaks down most often when it comes to pools. Even though we've an indoor pool, meaning that the gauge is never exposed to the elemnts, we've had to replace it a couple of times. It's as if they can't stand the chlorinated water for very long - soon...
  12. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Yes they practiced with their full outfits, shoes and all. But they may need more practice so maybe they'll do it again before the big day or continue at home. They'd everything on, the only difference compared to when it will be for real was that they didn't have their hair and nails fixed and...
  13. L

    Pool Lighting .. possible code violation, dangerous?

    Well as for the dangers of electricity going normally through your body: less than 1 mA you normally won't feel it. More than 3 mA starts being unpleasant. More than 10 mA - cramps may occur. More than 15-20 mA: you can not control your muscles and may get stuck, not being able to get away from...
  14. L

    Preparing the pool for a special event

    Well, we've had a fashion show here today, with the four girls trying on their dresses and testing to walk, sit and dance in them ! They look so elegant. :) For one of them it was the first time ever to dress up like that and she needed a bit extra practice. They're all wearing...
  15. L

    Pool Lighting .. possible code violation, dangerous?

    Yes but the voltage is still harmless for human beings. The human body has an internal resistance high enough so that a 12 V source can not drive a large current through the body, hence there is no danger. If the human body was made ut of metal then it could drive lots of current through the...