Recent content by Laural663

  1. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    No, but I'm not sure we have had any blondes in the pool since we installed the EcoSmarte. Okay so I guess I'll use the Jacks Magic Stuff Pool is still clear and sparkling thanks Chem Geek
  2. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Thanks Chem Geek, I'll leave the PH on the low side for now. I'll go ahead and locate Jacks Magic Stuff in this area to be prepared. I just thought of something, if my copper is .5, is that high enough to stain hair? Thanks for all the help
  3. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Thanks, Well I guess that means my copper test kit is still good. I have already replaced a significant amount of water last weekend. I'll look for the sequestrant recommended on this site. And forget about raising the PH for now. Thankfully I don't have any stains yet. Or is there a problem...
  4. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    When I add the bleach to the water it turns brown until the bleach dissapates. Is this normal? Thanks - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - Thanks I just added more based on Pool Math
  5. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    I got home this afternoon and the pool was just sparkling. I added 153 to 160 Ozs of bleach before I left for work. I just checked the PH and Chlorine. C - 0 PH - 7.2 With the chlorine being burned off in 14 hours does that mean I need to SLAM? I'm going to use Pool Math and add more bleach...
  6. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Good Morning Whoohooo! The water was clear this morning. I moved the sock to to the return and adding the bleach this morning. Thank you!
  7. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    I got up this morning and my pool is cloudy. I am assuming it's from the soda wash I have added the last two days. There is no evidence of algae. The PH has increased to 7.2 and the TA is at 50. I got the stabilizer at lunch today. It's 100% cyanuric acid in granular form. Clorax brand at...
  8. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Thanks Chem geek Yes the pool is exposed most of the day to direct sunlight. I'll monitor the PH and TA again and work on the CYA. Thanks again
  9. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Good evening Well I added all soda ash I had on hand last night. It came to a total of about 16 cups. I checked the PH this morning and didn't really see any movement. I bought all the super soda wash Wal-Mart had at lunch today. When I got home started adding the soda wash. I added about 5...
  10. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    I am moving towards the soda ash now. thanks
  11. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Thanks Chem geek, I removed a significant amount of water in the last 2 days and tested everything yesterday and today just to see if I am seeing any differences in the balance. I really didn't see any changes in any of the readings from the initial one. I am starting to think my copper...
  12. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Hi, Okay I got the test kit today and started the testing. This pool is all out of wack. When I got up this morning I thought I saw a little bit of algae in the shallow end. I was so tempted to add some bleach. The Kreepy Krawly must have gotten while I was at work. While I was doing the...
  13. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Okay, I have 6 gallons of the bleach and I will pick up the 20 Mule team on my way home from work tomorrow thanks
  14. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Hi Donldson, No I'll have the kit tomorrow. I still have my test kit from EcoSmarte. The only test I feel confident in the kit is the phosphates and copper test. The PH was <6.8 and chlorine was zero, however the strips and regeants are from last year.
  15. L

    Converting from EcoSmarte to TFP

    Hi jblizzle, For some reason I thought that was part of the process to do the conversion. I know there is no chlorine or FC in it now. When I checked it on Monday it was zero and I added the last bags of the chlorine free shock I had on hand.