Recent content by jtblaw1

  1. J

    Getting rid of nitrates?

    I have no reason to believe that nitrates got into the pool other than potential overspray of a spreader for the guys that fertilize my lawn. I have never seen any dry fertilizer on my pool deck. The guy in the store ran the nitrate test and told me the nmber was "15" In any event, the...
  2. J

    Getting rid of nitrates?

    My pool has mustard algea that I cannot get rid of. Water is clear, just growht on the walls. My free chlorine level is always low. Pool store guy told me I have nitrates from lawn fertilizer that got into the pool and this is what is eating up the chlorine. He told me to lower my water...
  3. J

    cleaning the filter

    My pressure has been around 28-30lbs for the last week or so. I backwashed today to get it back down around 20 psi. Soonafter i did it was back up to 28. is opening the filter and washing the fins inside the filter normal maintenance? How often? How do you clean it? if i open the filter...
  4. J

    added hardness control - Ph dropped

    On sunday my ph was 8.0 and my hardness was 140ppm. the pool store computer told me to add 4 lbs of ph down and 25 lbs of hardness control. I added the ph down on sunday night and only 7 lbs of the harness control on monday and another 7 lbs yesterday. Today my ph was 7.2. is there a...
  5. J

    Discrepancy in Test numbers

    Thanks. I thought the Leslie's one would be more accurrate also. I did not get a CYA level yet. I will bring my water to LEslie's this weekend and get it. Based on the numbers of CC i shocked the pool earlier this evening. I'm in NJ and just opned my pool last thursday. There was a lot of...
  6. J

    Discrepancy in Test numbers

    I am new to the site (yesterday). yesterday i bought a new pool tesitng kit form Leslie's so i can calculate both Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine. When i got the new kit, i tested for all number and they were off from my prior test kit. Old test kit (a Pentair kit i got with my pool but...
  7. J

    To BBB or not to BBB?

    Thanks guys.
  8. J

    To BBB or not to BBB?

    THis will be my fourth summer season with my pool. Generally I have had luck keeping it clean with the standard fare of shocking every two weeks and chlorinating as recommended by the pool builder (Sylvan). Every once in a while I'll get algea growth on some of the walls for no apparent reason...