Recent content by JohnnyT

  1. JohnnyT

    Check valve Problems

    Thanks TFP and to all who posted a reply. I finally got the valve changed. It just fits very tightly and after a little coaxing in the right places it came out. Again thanks to all who replied. I love TFP! :party: :cheers:
  2. JohnnyT

    need hayward pump parts

    :-D Good morning fordman...You should be able to look for a Hayward pump dealer, in your area, on the internet but I have used the all-thread rod like JohnT described and it worked great. Just get a rod the same diamater as your bolt, use two nuts on one end (tightened towards each other in a...
  3. JohnnyT

    Check valve Problems

    Thanks to all who have tried to help so far. I must have a really cheap version of a check valve. Mine doesn't look like the one spishex posted. I'll see if I can get my slow computer to attatch a diagram of my check valve. If it does (19) will be the valve, (20) is a plastic flow regulator that...
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  5. JohnnyT

    Check valve Problems

    :oops: Sorry about the delay getting back to you, I had some personal problems come up. I must have the cheaper version because it doesn't have a cover or screws. If it is glued any ideas how to get it out without hurting the case? I was wondering if it would be possible to use a hacksaw blade...
  6. JohnnyT

    Check valve Problems

    Hey Dave, Thanks for replying. I can't tell if it's glued or not. The pool store says it shouldn't be but they aren't being very helpful because they want to do the work. I could attach a picture but I don't think it would tell you anything. The valve body is plastic, about a 1 inch id, 1 and 1...
  7. JohnnyT

    Check valve Problems

    I've only recently found TFP and I've probably learned more here than from any other source, and we've operated our pool for about six years! Fighting it all the way. So, I hope someone can help me with my latest problem. I have a Hayward EC 30 DE filter and the check valve needs replaced. I...
  8. JohnnyT

    Can't get FC up

    :oops: Sorry frustratedpoolmom, I didn't mean to get off base here, just trying to help. I am using the BBB method and it's working fine but I had some major problems on start up this year. The Oxybrite is a non-chlorine based product and at $4.00 for the 5lbs. I needed, it did a grreat job...
  9. JohnnyT

    Can't get FC up

    Hey Greg, :wave: Without knowing how your pool looked at startup, you might have the same problem I did. I was late in getting my pool opened this year and had some reall nasty water! After opening, I, like you, could not get the FC up. I finally talked to an older pool store owner, who has...
  10. JohnnyT

    Cloudy water -small tiny air bubbles? Pump won't run on low

    Hey Chuck, :wave: I had a very similar problem not long ago. Mine turned out to be a bad seal in the strainer basket lid that a very nice person here at TFP led me to. I replaced the seal and it's working fine. No more air bubbles. The seal lube I use is Jack's Formula 327 Multilube and I get...
  11. JohnnyT

    Intermatic T101 seems to have died?

    Hey robrinker, :wave: If your clock motor isn't running most likely it has failed. I've had the same thing happen with two of my pool timers. In the first one the clock motor had burned out and the second one developed a short. Barring a loose connection, I don't know of anything you can do...
  12. JohnnyT

    Air Bubbles

    :-D Thanks to all who posted a reply, I need all the help I can get! And a BIG THANKS to 257WbyMag. I didn't think the o-ring on the strainer cover looked bad before, but after reading your post and re-checking I discovered that it was stretched out. Relaced and no more air bubbles! :party:
  13. JohnnyT

    Air Bubbles

    :-D I'm new to TFP and have enjoyed it's wisdom and advice. I hope somebody can help me with a problem that has recently developed in our pool. There are small air bubbles coming from the return line into the pool. I've checked all of the fittings and connections from the skimmer, through the...
  14. JohnnyT

    JohnnyT says, "Hey Pool Lovers!"

    Hi, to everyone here at TFP. I just found this site after having our pool for 4 years and it is absolutely GREAT! I have already learned so much. I have notes taken from some of the forums and I use them all the time. We haven't had any major problems with our pool but I've learned how to...