Recent content by Johnny B

  1. J

    want to measure pH of non-pool water solutions of pH 4-6.

    I am interested in measuring pH of non-pool water solutions (urine) in the range of pH 4-6. I assume I should get one of these? Any suggestions or knowledge of any of these or where do you suggest I buy a meter if you dislike these? I find paper strips crummy. Thank you...
  2. J

    Just when you thought you heard every question possible

    Below in my signature you see my pool equip. My pool is no more, so I don’t need any of this equipment. Here is a paste of my buddy’s pool specs, a much smaller above the ground pool vs. my in-ground. 7,200 gal vinyl AboveGround 19.25Ft x 39inches deep round; by Summer Waves Elite Intex...
  3. J

    How should I handle not opening?

    algaecide at closing? In the past, when I closed in the fall & I did so via TFP method which includes using algaecide. Do I do the same this fall once the water temperature is below 60F? The issue is there will definitely be algae but I'll be unable to SLAM ( there is visible algae now but not...
  4. J

    How should I handle not opening?

    Thank you, will do
  5. J

    How should I handle not opening?

    I'll get the TA back up to 90 & the pH to 7.5 Do you have an opinion on the CH? Historically, my pool has done best with CH 350 at closing and over the winter , but at CH 300 in the warm summer . Thank you .
  6. J

    How should I handle not opening?

    Thank you very much, will do, kind of what I tought . I should get the TA back up to 90? Do you have an opinion on the CH? Historically, my pool has done best with CH 350 at closing and over the winter , but at CH 300 in the warm summer
  7. J

    How should I handle not opening?

    For a variety of reasons I'm not gonna be able to open the pool this season/summer. I'm used to treating the pool all winter long with the mesh cover on, the pump not running, dosing it with chlorine and whatever else it needs which is usually nothing because it is properly closed/winterized in...
  8. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    How should I handle not opening? For a variety of reasons I'm not gonna be able to open the pool this season/summer. I'm used to treating the pool all winter long with the mesh cover on, the pump not running, dosing it with chlorine and whatever else it needs which is usually nothing because...
  9. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    Will do, thank you.
  10. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    -0.43 to -0.53 range. Thank you
  11. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    To repeat: - I still have my winter mesh cover on & will until end of May or maybe even later but I test & dose the pool anyways & hand brush for circulation all winter so doing the same now. - in all my years I never saw my pH go down; Cyanuric acid will drop the pH some; happened to score...
  12. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    Thank you. I happened to score some free tabs (otherwise I never use them ), figured why not use them early season when CYA is low/zero & I can't open for a while.
  13. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    Thank you. I can do that, it still leaves CSI potential to corrode plaster but I can certainly do that if you think that would help.
  14. J

    ph dropped (weird) so CSI is off

    4.88.2020 11days since last Test & dosing winter level 18,463 gal pH 7.4 ;drew test water away from puck to double check FC 12 seems hi but CYA was added, water still cool, I'm drawing test water near pucks. Added 5 more pucks because bleach is scarce(Coronaa) CC TA 70 CH 260-270 (last...