Recent content by Jings

  1. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    Some more progress. Needs a Wifi-Library, for easier WiFi config, and some interface for Home Assistant, to control it. HA might be able to use the Websocket interface actually?. Implement MQTT maybe? (Slight glitch on the enclosed gif-animation, on "12", as I had to much serial debugging...
  2. IntexSWG.png


  3. IntexSWG.gif


  4. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    @jressel01 Can you give me the dump of what these two return on your TM1650 SWG? Get current status GET http://ip_addr:8080/api/v1/intex/swg/status Get current debug GET http://ip_addr:8080/api/v1/intex/swg/debug On the Homeassistant Integration: IntexSWG_on and IntexSWG_off controls the...
  5. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    Added some features in my development branch, made a web page displaying status, controlling the relay, and a feature for OTA updates
  6. 1654727515454.png


  7. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    Yea, I see your point! Connected a LED to the relay_out connector, and get a blink on programming/boot. Manually fixed my board to use GPIO2, and it works fine.
  8. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    Below is a sample of the serial output. Observe that when a LED is blinking, the mainboard sends the whole data structure again, and again, with just one bit toggled.
  9. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    I've released the documentation on the non TM1650 protocol, and some code samples that allows for the decoding of the traffic between the the main board, and the display board. It's also possible to emulate keypresses on the buttons. As the display board is "stateless", any code need to track...
  10. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    Moved the relay to GPIO2. Updated Schematic/PCB/Gerbers on GitHub - jingsno/intex-swg-pcb: Intex SWG with jumpers Please use this repository, as it will work for both the TM1650 and the Non TM1650 version
  11. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    I'll see if I can write something down. I've already changed the way I think of the signals to make it easier to decode them. I've got sample code that controls the 7-segments, and code that transmits simulated button presses to the main board. The only thing left is to write something that...
  12. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    Ok, I spent WAY to much time last evening/night with my logic analyzer, looking at the communication between the main, and display board, on my non TM1650 Intex SWG! But I've managed to completely reverse engineer the protocol, in both directions! I'm able to control the LEDs on the display...
  13. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    @jressel01 Do you have the model numbers of the two Intex SWGs you'we got? With a TM1650, and the one without? I've got an ECO 6220 / CG-26670, without a TM1650
  14. J

    Automation of INTEX SWG

    I finally manged to get some time to cleanup all the different revisons of the PCBs. This is the pcb/gerbers for the Displayboard version with a TM1650 chip This is the version with jumpers that allow swapping of the GND/+5V lines on the...
  15. poster.png
