Recent content by jaadkyki

  1. J

    Ascorbic acid worked! But ready to close pool...

    Thanks for the great advice! We'll keep on our current path and close late, as you say.
  2. J

    Ascorbic acid worked! But ready to close pool...

    So, we had iron stains and finally decided to get rid of them--brought our pH down to 7.2, FC to 0, added algaecide and then added ascorbic acid. Nearly stain free now! :kim: However, we're nearly ready to close our pool (on our own this year!). Pool temperature is currently at 70, but I'm...
  3. J

    Post-SLAM, new issue

    Took two weeks, but we got through SLAM successfully, even added about 1 cup DE to help the process. Pool looked great. But now I'm frustrated because our pool looks horrible so soon after all that work. Not a few days later, we have what we thought was pollen, but now we're not sure. Algae...
  4. J

    SLAM--keep going?

    I've been using the PoolMath, but just now saw the calc at the bottom. Easier for me than the FC/CYA chart. Thanks, Dom!
  5. J

    SLAM--keep going?

    I'm using the TFTest kit 100. As for the 20 gal suggestion from max2k: "Is 50% drain refill an option? This is to bring your CYA down to make your life easier later. If not- add MA to bring pH down to 7.2 and stock up on bleach to perform SLAM, at least 20 gallons at your current CYA level...
  6. J

    SLAM--keep going?

    So I started SLAM yesterday morning. Water has always been clear, though yesterday there was mustard algae buildup on the walls when I vacuumed. FC was at 0 for at least a week. Based on your help, I was told my pool needed 20 gallons of bleach based on its size. According to the chart, my FC...
  7. J

    What's eating all the chlorine I put in?!

    I don't think it was a Bacquil pool. The three containers are all old and dusty, even as of three years ago. - - - Updated - - - What I forgot to mention is that, despite the chemicals being off, the water is still gorgeous and there is no algae growth that I can see. Does this make a...
  8. J

    What's eating all the chlorine I put in?!

    I wrote last week about maintaining our pool myself with all your help, but hadn't received our test kit yet. I just received a missing component of the TFTestkit I ordered and promptly tested our pool. FC 0.5 CC 1 TA 150 pH 7.8 CYA 70 Borate 0 CH 300 For the past week, I've been adding a...
  9. J

    FC registers 0

    Just got back from Walmart and put in a gallon of bleach. Will keep up with the gallon/day until I get the test kit. I've done a ton of reading through this site in the last few days. You're all correct, I can't do much until I get the test kit because I don't have all the info I need. Thank...
  10. J

    FC registers 0

    Yes, we were using sticks and shock from the pool store.
  11. J

    FC registers 0

    Thanks so much! I'm worried about my kids and their friends swimming in the pool. Is it really not safe right now as I've read elsewhere on this site? I'm going to Walmart right now and will add bleach today. Can I add more than a gallon/ day to get the FC number up?
  12. J

    FC registers 0

    I don't think there's any CYA at this point. When we went to the dealer on 7/19, it was at 99, but there's no way of knowing now until I get the test kit (ordered from TFTestkits and will probably ship today). We added 1 gallon of chlorine last night, was in OK range after a few hours, and then...
  13. J

    FC registers 0

    Hello! I found this site after deciding that we are spending too much on chemicals from the pool store. I'm excited to take care of our own pool. I just ordered a TFTestkits TF-100, but it won't be here for a few weeks. About 3 weeks ago, we had been on vacation for a week, so we took a...