Recent content by Infodamoney

  1. Infodamoney

    What's this? Curious..

    Thanks, I just wanted to make sure before I started screwing with things. Because I like to do that!
  2. Infodamoney

    What's this? Curious..

    I have recently taken over a SWG pool. I was cleaning weeds and heard a noise of running water. I noticed this, took the top off and found a valve with a float on the end. It also has a exit pipe at the bottom. I'm assuming it's to maintain water level? I am not sure but I'm also assuming...
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  4. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    So because I was so mad, I contacted the "pool guy". He said before he drained the pool that he would add a neutralizer. He said the reason it looks like that is that the pH is a little off. He said the only way to get rid of the black algae was to shock it heavily and add the Yellow Quell...
  5. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    Man, I hate to hear that. So draining my pool putting fresh water in it, getting it back to the correct levels, is that really the best option I have? I do not want to have a bromine pool and I definitely don't want to ruin the life of my SWG. Can you explain to me what exactly happened...
  6. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    Doesn't look terrible I guess. Just not what I'm used to. I'm used to clear water and can see the bottom of my pool just fine. It's just not the way it's supposed to be or what I want (obviously). So is really the only fix draining my pool? Water trucks aren't cheap! ??
  7. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    This is what it looks like now. It was clear water last night.
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  9. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    I'm going to be really (excuse the language) ****** the f?!x off. I can and usually take care of my pool but thought he should know what he's doing since I just have been so busy. Draining pool entirely could damage it right? I have an SWG, btw... Not sure if that helps at all.
  10. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    I didn't have a real problem before he did his "treatment" other than maybe a little black algae (he's the one that told me that too). The slam is if I have an algae problem right? Do I have an algae problem now because the algecide lowered my free chlorine?
  11. Infodamoney

    Murky Green Water

    Hello All, I had a little bit of black algae on the bottom of my pool. Water looked clear and fine. I asked my pool guy about it and he came over and added 12 lbs. of shock and 2 bottles of Yellow Quell. I woke up this morning and my water is murky and green!! What did my pool guy do and...
  12. Infodamoney

    Cloudy Water After Adding 8.25% Bleach

    Ok, so did an OCLT test last night, from last night until this morning it was at most a .5 FC loss, water is crystal clear. I will see what adding a bottle of bleach does later today.
  13. Infodamoney

    Cloudy Water After Adding 8.25% Bleach

    Wow, I wouldn't have thought that, being the water was perfectly clear... But I am still a newbie. The cloud will clear up if I don't add any bleach for a couple of days, I figured if it was algae, there would be no clearing, it would just get worse. I've read similar posts that say the...
  14. Infodamoney

    Cloudy Water After Adding 8.25% Bleach

    I have read this on other posts before, but I'm not sure I ever found a good answer. My test results before adding 242 oz. of 8.25% Bleach. FC - 3 CC - 0.5 Ch - 350 TA - 130 CYA - 70-80 pH - 7.8 I have read lowering the pH will help this (my pH is usually around 7.4), but.... So my water was...
  15. Infodamoney

    Cloudy Blue Water After Swimmers

    It can be done.... take it from a newbie like me. I work from home (didn't get much work done), so I was on top of it hard!