Recent content by HomeDad

  1. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Does it sound out of "normal operation" to need to add about 121 oz of 8.25% chlorine Bleach per week? That is roughly where I am landing currently. Pool remains algae free, clear and blue. Temps are coming down here in Arizona but it's still swimmable for me! haha I suppose I could try and...
  2. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    3 days blue water and passing OCLT just fine. What a relief! Got the poolcleaner/skimmer working less hours now and got my bleach at the ready to maintain :D I am amazed not to see any algae when I brush. It has never been that pristine! Thanks for the tips ( and patience ). Great community of...
  3. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    FC - 24 ( down one from 25 at dark last night) CC - 0.5 Clarity blue and clear* *But... when I brush I do ( first brush of the day ) get some light clouding following the brush. I assume this means I am still not done slamming? I have read the algae should be white if dead. Is it just dirt in...
  4. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Thanks Edit: Back up @ 26 ppm FC as we aren't done SLAMming after all. Looking forward to my 3 checkpoints being complete so its over! Overnight loss - check Clarity- check cc 0.5, not quite check. :hammer:
  5. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Update time w/ good news. I added a cup of DE to my sand filter and by the next morning filtration was already improved. Performed a backwash that actually contained green muck! Before this it had always been minor collection of .. greenery. Re-added DE after backwash. Been slamming and keeping...
  6. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    FC - 17 PH - 7.2 ( perhaps ) CYA - 60 I've vacuumed to waste some but seems not enough to bring to CYA below 60. Added more bleach shooting for 20 FC. The pool appearance has been gradually shifting to more blue hues, and this morning I can see the drain! Progress! Been brushing the pool 3x a...
  7. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Oh Haha that makes sense. Thanks again!
  8. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    I had been testing indoors- but will try the back to the sun method for CYA. I had not been pouring to mix but will do. I was mixing in the dropper by shaking then remixing after 30 seconds. Will try the test/repeat/50% test you described today. Thanks a ton for the responses. It's a daunting...
  9. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Ahh ok thanks. I was thinking I needed to replace some to get the CYA down
  10. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    So three hours later I ran tests again. Seems the autofiller is still catching up on the water level, so I probably should have waited a bit. FC - 25.5 CC - 0.5 PH - 7.8 ( little jump there, but high FC for sure ) TA - 300 - Massive spike, I think I botched the test looking for "redder" results...
  11. H

    It's school, Dude (not for the squeamish)

    I'm sorry you had to experience that. It sounds like an aspect of the job I could not handle. I wonder if placing a bird in a cloth of some kind and breaking its neck would be easier? I wouldn't relish the task but guess it would be a more palatable approach than the mallet approach?
  12. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    FC of 26 today. I was surprised that it only went down that much. Is this because of my high CYA? Did a brush and vac to waste and am waiting for the water to fill up enough to run the skimmer again. Will retest again when I can run the skimmer a bit and recover from the food coma my wife put...
  13. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Shot for Shock level FC of 24 and landed @ 27 ppm FC. I was dropping my R-0871 drops in counting over 50 and thinking .. dear God. What have I DONE? Then a few drops later the clarity had set in. PHEW! Thought I really nuked it! It looks like my CC came up from 0.5 to 1 - does that sound...
  14. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Thanks for the reply. I retested a few hours later and got different results without changing anything ( other than removing my puck duck ) I attribute this to me learning the tests FC - 7 CC - 0.5 PH - 7.2 TA - 120 CH - 300 CYA - 70 Earlier sample was immediately after brush/vac pool. Going...
  15. H

    Noob, green water 2 weeks, learning TF-100

    Hi. First post here. Been reading the site for a week or so trying to get a grip on the concepts. It's a little bit like taking a drink of water with a fire hose! I imagine I have caused a problem with trichloride pucks. We moved in to this home a month ago, water was blue and sparkly. Got it...