Recent content by FluffyRAM

  1. F

    ADVICE PLEASE: DE-Constructing an OLD pool

    Pool Advice needed on the best course of action please: IN A NUTSHELL: We know our old pool won't do another season, so we need advice on the best way to shut it down for 2-3 years until we can budget a complete rebuild. INFO: We bought the house, complete with pool, 2 years ago. We knew...
  2. F

    Tiny black bugs - Springtails? Soap mixture ok?

    We purchased a house complete with pool in December and have been on a steep learning curve (made much easier thanks to Pool School :-D). As Spring arrived, so did the Springtails. Not just clumping together in the pool like your video, but around the house on the porch too. We didn't know...
  3. F

    Forum search has become "google search"?

    Thank you :) I've gone from "confused" to "enlightened" - a preferable and happier state. Now to work on my 'shocking' in line with linen's signature..... ;)
  4. F

    Degradation of Cyanuric Acid (CYA)

    I'm new to TFP and stumbled across this thread while searching for CYA information. I thought to add my experience since it seems to support the findings discussed above. We purchased a house, complete with pool in December 2012. It had been for sale for almost a year but the pool water was...
  5. F

    Forum search has become "google search"?

    Confused?..... I've just returned from a week at summer camp with the Boy Scouts to a green pool. Having recently discovered this forum and the Pool School the green pool is not my problem, I'm fairly confident I can now fix that.... But... with all the torrential rain we've been having my...
  6. F

    Extended Test Kit Directions

    Thanks so much for this post. After a quick study in Pool School and best-guess using a Walmart 6-way test strip I've been battling my first algal bloom (bought house complete with poo in December: newbie!) - seemingly successfully! My TF100 arrived yesterday and I had a list of questions - most...