Recent content by dreammo

  1. D

    brand new pool owner with a swamp in the backyard

    Things are looking good with the pool. I drained the pool and refilled 1/3 of the water which lowered my CYA level from 90 to 70. It's not green any more and the color looks good. The only problem I have is that it's still cloudy. Do I still need to shock the water until this clears? If...
  2. D

    brand new pool owner with a swamp in the backyard

    Thanks Greg for the advice about the pool stores. I was very skeptical of their results. I have 0871 on order already and plan on draining the pool to get a lower CYA level. The water is looking even better than this morning. I have not added MA yet but plan on doing that too. Thanks!
  3. D

    brand new pool owner with a swamp in the backyard

    I'm happy to report that the water is turning lighter but by no means is it clear. I just added 4 more jugs of clorox to get back to my shock level. I honestly don't know how to drain the pool. My husband will be home tomorrow or Friday and I will leave that up to him to do (but I will learn...
  4. D

    brand new pool owner with a swamp in the backyard

    I am brand new and everything that I have learned has been in the last 3 days on this website. When I tested the water this morning it was not completely light outside. I didn't notice a change in the color of the water but now that it's completely light the water is a much lighter green...
  5. D

    brand new pool owner with a swamp in the backyard

    I just tested the pool again this morning at 6:30am. The FC is 44ppm and the water color looks the same. Should I get this back up to my target of 51.7? Do I continue to do this until the pool turns clear again? When will I starting seeing the water clear up? The ph was 8.2 before I...
  6. D

    brand new pool owner with a swamp in the backyard

    I just purchased a house with a pool 4 wks ago. It was clear up to 3 days of straight ran. I only had strips to test water and when the chlorine was low I would add more tabs that were left with the house. That wasn't doing it. This started 9/15 and has gotten worse every day. I have since...